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  1. MegaButterfree

    'Fates Collide,' America's XY10 Set!

    Oh...this description kind of sounds like it might be alluding to the finale of BREAK cards. I've noticed most of these sorts of special cards (Plasma, Ancient Traits, etc.) tend to have a 3-set run (although I do realize some Plasma cards were reprinted in Legendary Treasures).
  2. MegaButterfree

    Magiana Revealed in 'CoroCoro!'

    It kind of reminds me of a Fabergé, maybe they're heading east from France to Russia? Happy to see a new Pokémon...hopefully we'll see some more soon...preferably with some visual appeal that is lacking in this one.
  3. MegaButterfree

    News Mythical Pokemon Collections

    That Paras has got to be in my top 10 favorite images. I guess it sucks to have effect spore instead of dry skin on a rainy day...
  4. MegaButterfree

    Potential BREAK Pokemon in Upcoming Sets!

    Finally - a card with hardcore nudity! But, kidding aside, since BREAK cards have the same abilities as their previous evolutions, won't you be able to do the sneaky bite thing (or whatever it's called) again anyway?
  5. MegaButterfree

    'Pokekyun Collection' Mini-Set Coming January!

    This one is certainly fitting of the set's title
  6. MegaButterfree

    'Fates Collide,' America's XY10 Set!

    I guess this does put to rest my theory that BREAK evolutions were additional evolutions for stage 1 and 2 Pokemon...and something tells me that Lugia BREAK will be better than some of those essentially stage 3 BREAKS. I wonder if the 3rd Mega will be Zygarde? There is still a lot unknown (at...
  7. MegaButterfree

    'BREAKpoint,' February's English Set!

    I continue to agree with the confusion/distress/annoyance over there still not being a FA Professor Sycamore (I would also add Tierno and Shauna to that, since Cherren and Bianca got the FA treatment). I think what bothers me most about it is that Fossil Researcher got a FA card...and it has...
  8. MegaButterfree

    'Pokekyun Collection' Mini-Set Coming January!

    I wonder what M-Audino's Special Symphony (that's what it appears to say at least) attack will do...I'm guessing it won't be great since it's a pre-packaged mega.
  9. MegaButterfree

    Pokemon Pokemon to Run Ad During Super Bowl!

    I think it will probably be about benches.
  10. MegaButterfree

    New Pokken Tournament Fighter to be Revealed Next Week!

    I tend to think Tyranitar...but we shall see on Friday. Hitmonchan would be fun, but I just don't think he's "popular" enough... *Oh, never mind, it'll probably be Swampert*
  11. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    Thanks for sharing this unexpected news - what a fun way to start the new year!
  12. MegaButterfree

    General Pokemon Shuffle

    Those are people who have hacked in somehow to unlock unreleased Pokemon - it happens with every contest and their scores will be dismissed/not count in the end.
  13. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    I kind of liked "Wet Weather" and "Splash Bang" better as attack names...
  14. MegaButterfree

    Potential BREAK Pokemon in Upcoming Sets!

    Stage 3 Pokemon (which is what this BREAK will essentially be) are not especially easy to get into play, and take up a lot of deck room. My excitement over BREAK Pokemon was quickly dashed by the reality of playing with them. I think a Pokemon that requires at least four cards in a particular...
  15. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    This Hypno could work with Florges BREAK as well (but why would you want to?)
  16. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Well, I didn't expect this. They are really pumping out a lot of Psychic type EX cards, particularly with the following M-Alakazam set (which will obviously have at least 2).
  17. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    For everyone excited about this card, let me remind you that it's a two-way street (your opponent can just as easily deck you out or mess up your setup first). I guess it does give Ninetails a second wind...
  18. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    The Camerupt, when viewed peripherally, looks like Garfield (the cat) to me. This is a valuable addition to the conversation, I know.
  19. MegaButterfree

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Anyone know the translated name [しっぷうづき] of Scizor EX's second attack (not listed as of this post)?