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  1. MegaButterfree

    Question: Battle/Damage calculator / Macros for fakemon

    Hi all - for the past few years, I have been making fakemon (with sprites, types, abilities, base stats, movesets, etc.) and I wondered if anyone knows of some kind of online calculator (other than Smogon, as it doesn't work exactly for what I want) or Excel Macros that lets you plug in all your...
  2. MegaButterfree

    New 'Battle Arena Deck: Mewtwo vs. Darkrai'

    I haven't notice anyone bring up the fact that there will be another Mewtwo EX and 2 M Mewtwo EX cards in the upcoming break evolution set (I forget what the official name is), so I wonder if/how these will affect it. Hopefully, these are just Legendary Treasures reprint trash to make expanded...
  3. MegaButterfree

    Pokemon 'CoroCoro' Reveals New Pokemon for Next Year's Film

    Booger minion - I like that...seems like a good insult for kids to call their siblings. Maybe this booger minion will be part of a new type, something like "Gross" (although it's probably too similar to "Grass"), with Garbodor reclassified as Poison/Gross. Mr. Hankey-esque Pokemon as...
  4. MegaButterfree

    Pokemon What's Your Favorite Pokémon and Why?

    Venonat is my favorite. Probably because when the games first came out, I could remember what it looked like well enough to draw it...which I did a lot. I wouldn't say Venonat is my favorite to battle with, though, but I'll always have a soft spot for the little guy.
  5. MegaButterfree

    Happy 12th Birthday PokeBeach!

    I hope you flip a heads and do 50 extra damage!
  6. MegaButterfree

    Extended Hoopa Movie Trailer (Spoiler: Everyone Dies)

    When I saw this story, the first thing I thought was "that movie still isn't out?" Second was, to Hoopa: "Who has hurt you?"
  7. MegaButterfree

    P!P/Rules XY-On Rotation Confirmed for 2016 Season

    I am glad to see this is how it worked out (minus that stupid crushing hammer). I already switched to XY-onward format a couple months ago, so I'm ready! I won't miss all the hackneyed decks I am always seeing (though there are still plenty of them). I've always felt mixing Team Plasma cards...
  8. MegaButterfree

    Pokemon 'CoroCoro' Reveals New Pokemon for Next Year's Film

    I think we all know what this is: Satoshi/Ash finally opened the GS ball.
  9. MegaButterfree

    10 Cards from 'Legendary Holo Collection' Revealed!

    Follow-up: Maybe Raichu EX will evolve from this card and it's a sign that the love for EX will parlay to all cards being EX in the future. Ultra Ball EX, Potion EX, Fire Energy EX, Here Comes Team Rocket EX, etc. (kidding)
  10. MegaButterfree

    10 Cards from 'Legendary Holo Collection' Revealed!

    Am I the only one laughing at this card? It's not that it's a terrible's just that it's Pikachu EX. It cracks me up. Also, if things had gone as originally planned in the franchise, it could have been a Clefairy EX. I am glad it's not part of one of the main sets.
  11. MegaButterfree

    General Pokemon Shuffle

    As I am sure others have mentioned or noticed, I just want to air my grievances with the catch rates. I don't believe them to be accurate. When the Manaphy stage was out, I tried 38 times in a row to catch it with the catch rate at or above 24%. Now, I recognize that could warrant a few times...
  12. MegaButterfree

    Which Card(s) Annoy You the Most?

    I agree with the qualms of using trainers unrelated to the video game, when there is so much to pull from. I feel Fossil Researcher (Furious Fists), while in the video game technically, would have been better served as Grant (the XY gym leader who uses Amaura and Tyrunt). This would also a good...
  13. MegaButterfree

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    Lots of interesting theories and many sound like real possibilities to me - I am getting excited to learn what it's going to be all about (and hope it's not a letdown!). My intuition tells me that BREAK Pokemon will be very powerful level 1 and 2 Pokemon (or maybe just level 1, based on what's...
  14. MegaButterfree

    Article The Chopping Block: Cards We Lose In XY-On!

    Nice recap - I am glad to see (looking forward to) the rotation; it keeps things fresh and, at least temporarily, shakes up some hackneyed card sets. I will also add a couple of other cards I see used fairly often outside of competitive play - Crushing Hammer and Rocky Helmet (and Rock Wall).
  15. MegaButterfree

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    Very interesting...I am so curious as to what this mechanic will be and if/how much it will affect the game. Also, I wonder what "Break Evolution and Pokemon-EX combo" means exactly - is an EX required to use Break Evolution, or maybe Palkia EX has an attack that is boosted by Break Evolutions...
  16. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Trait Sableye Promo in 'CoroCoro Ichiban'

    This Sableye looks like a great supporter - just imagine if it had Omega Barrage (evil laugh). I do agree with the other comments about the EX part...if anything, I would have preferred it to be an "other than your Pokemon EX" caveat. I have a sort of love/hate relationship with EX cards.
  17. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    With the seemingly unending possibilities within Ancient Origins, combined with the other XY sets, I am a bit overwhelmed. Nonetheless, what I am most interested in is learning about break evolution! Semper Prorsum!
  18. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    FA Sceptile EX looks like he's dancing the salsa or something - it's beguiling (and I like) FA Kyurem EX looks pretty cool and I like the galaxy sort of background FA Ampharos EX kind of looks like he is defecating (sorry for the crudeness), and I don't dig the style aside from the pose, either...
  19. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Also - I am going to guess the other SR/Gold Item will be Potion. I guessed correctly with Energy Retrieval (and Theta Double - its AT effect, not the name), so maybe I'm on the same wavelength with someone in command(?)