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  1. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Wow - if that is, in fact, what the move does, it sounds amazing, and a good way to take advantage of a stronger retreat cost starter on the could even have 2 Mega Sceptiles in play retreating and passing energies to each other (though of course I realize there are ways to stop...
  2. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    I guess the Flashfire Butterfree line (adaptive evolution) is officially pointless (and it was only hanging by a thread before)... At this rate, I wonder if we'll have a trainer in the future that is just "search your deck for a stage 2 pokemon and place it on your bench"...
  3. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    I have noticed that this Golurk might just be the most stadium-changeable card (though I admittedly have not actively tried to think of others). With one or 2 energies: Shrine of Memories, with 3: Dimension Valley, with 4: Fighting Stadium. I hope we'll see another AT in addition to theta stop...
  4. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Slightly off topic - and sorry if someone has mentioned it - but I wonder if there will be an ancient trait Persian (maybe promo). I say that because there is a (promo) ancient trait Malamar, and I'm connecting that back to Roaring Skies where you find both evolution-less Inkay and Meowth. A...
  5. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Thanks for showing us yet another preview - I love the ancient trait cards! This is another cool one with great potential. I will make a note, though, that with the ability to have 3 different types of special energy attached (double colorless, mystery, strong) it would probably be better served...
  6. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    I am glad we'll officially have at least one dark-type ancient trait Pokemon. I hope we also get a fully evolved electric type with an ancient trait (maybe Zebstrika?)...and I think an AT Arcanine would be welcome, too.
  7. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Interesting card - it could pair well with Plasma's Flareon - but it will have to in unlimited format, since I assume the new rotation will be XY and onward. Perhaps a more obtuse strategy with Unown could involve Primal Clash Milotic as well?
  8. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    So, the new cards have got me thinking/daydreaming - and apologies if it's been mentioned somewhere before, but what if they release a stadium that - similarly to how shrine of memories lets you use your previous evolution's moves - grants pokemon their previous evolution's ancient traits. I...
  9. MegaButterfree

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    Thanks as always for posting the preview! Here are some of my thoughts: 1) Vileplume - I think if I were to play it, I would do it like the Phantom Forces crobat - have a few glooms in waiting, and scoop up/AZ vileplume on my turn, play all my items, then set it back out. A bit tricky to pull...