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  1. Sword.N

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Maybe the card can find its place in Archie/Blastoise decks for its fairy weakness instead of grass.The GX attack is cool but also expensive.
  2. Sword.N

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    We have just had Keldeo-EX's ability reprinted,and here comes its attack o_O
  3. Sword.N

    Alt. Format (BW-ULP) SM5 Garchomp/Lucario + Explanation

    The list you show is solid.I quite appreciate the 3+1 Garchomp line in your deck.I think Korrina can fit the deck well,it can search out Lucario/Riolu/Garchomp BKP as well as EnvoSoda/Rare Candy/Level ball,which can provide much options.Altaria is not that useful since you can already hit 200 or...
  4. Sword.N

    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    The GX attack can be huge after a late game N.
  5. Sword.N

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    Can't see much protential on the card since it's stage-1. Oricori is basic pokemon which has access to Pokemon Fun Club. Oricori together with draw supporters is often enough to get energies continuously. For decks like Volcanion, Starmie is better IMO.
  6. Sword.N

    News Strengthening Expansion Pack, Best of XY Pack, and Ash VS Team Rocket Deck!

    Congratulations to Yveltal and R.I.P to Xerneas lol
  7. Sword.N

    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    Trevenant(SM2)/Vileplume or Trevenant(XY4)/Forest of Giant Plant.Trevenant's always related with item lock XD.
  8. Sword.N

    News Strengthening Expansion Pack, Best of XY Pack, and Ash VS Team Rocket Deck!

    Glad to see a cool Fini card,it would function well with Starmie and Water Patch.
  9. Sword.N

    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    An interesting fact is that,as a pure water type pokemon in the video game,Wishiwashi (and its GX) has lightning weakness instead of grass.
  10. Sword.N

    News 'Islands Waiting for You' and 'Moonlight of Alola': Japan's Next Sun and Moon TCG Set!

    Quite amazing cards.Salazzle can be the new laser-bank in standard format,Lele is quite broken, and Turntunator is also cool in Volcanion decks.Cant wait to build decks with them:)
  11. Sword.N

    Help Best Water Pokemon Card?

    Seismitoad-EX for sure.
  12. Sword.N

    News 'Sun and Moon Strengthening Expansion Pack'

    Grubbin is grass type that has access to Giant Plant Forest,maybe a Vikavolt GX-Vikavolt SM deck can run as how Greninja decks do.180 damage output in your second turn is good enough,and the GX attack can weaken anything whose HP is higher than 180.
  13. Sword.N

    Discussion Golduck SM1 Viability

    Lapras can't attack in the next turn after using its 160 attack,and 3 energies is a big deal to attach without Max Elixar.
  14. Sword.N

    Discussion Golduck SM1 Viability

    I can't see any use of Lapras in the deck.It only act as a Kangaskhan-EX.As for Max Potion,I need to wait to see the new SuMo metagame.If there's not so many decks that can OHKO Golduck Break,then I'll consider Max Potion.Brightte is a good card to include,and I like the idea of pulling GXs out...
  15. Sword.N

    Discussion Golduck SM1 Viability

    Wally is not necessary because Golduck is only stage 1,the deck don't rely on Golduck Break to attack.
  16. Sword.N

    Discussion Golduck SM1 Viability

    Mew-EX is a good tech against Mewtwo,but it can't deal with Garbodor because it also rely on its ability to attack. Golduck Break is interesting for the 140 HP.It would survive under some attacks such as M Scizor or Giratina.Also it won't be knocked out with a 120 Damage Change. Instead of Max...
  17. Sword.N

    Discussion Golduck SM1 Viability

    Thanks for pointing out my mistake about Starmie. Comparing with Raichu,Golduck don't need to dig for a DCE to attack,also it don't require a large bench size,easier to set up and won't be destroyed by Parallel City.For the 250 GXs,I consider running Professor Kukui to turn it into a 2HKO.It can...
  18. Sword.N

    Discussion Golduck SM1 Viability

    For those who don't know this card: #13 Golduck – Water – HP90 Stage 1 – Evolves from Psyduck [C] Scratch: 20 damage. [W] Double Jet: 60x damage. Discard up to 2 [W] energy cards from your hand. This attack does 60 damage times the number of cards discarded. Weakness: Grass (X2) Resistance...
  19. Sword.N

    Fun Expanded Joke Decks

    I built a Lilligant/Vistini fun deck recently , maybe it can fit the subiect .The deck list is : ##Pokémon - 14 * 2 Victini NVI 98 * 4 Petilil BKP 7 * 4 Lilligant EPO 14 * 2 Remoraid BKT 32 * 2 Octillery BKT 33 ##Trainer Cards - 38 * 2 Super Rod DRV 20 * 4 Professor Juniper PLF 116 * 4...
  20. Sword.N

    Standard Magnezone/Raikou

    I'll suggest 1 copy of PikachuEX .It's strong against M Mewtwo ,which on the other hand would be a bad matchup . 10 or 11 energies is enough IMO .