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  1. RunningWithScizors

    Overcoming the Fear of Losing

    Not liking to lose goes way back. It seems like whenever I would pour my heart and soul into a contest - be it a county fair, a Halloween costume contest, or a Pokemon tournament - and I either didn't win or performed less than I'd expected, I'd feel upset. I'd even get upset when I got 2nd or...
  2. RunningWithScizors

    Overcoming the Fear of Losing

    Guys, I think you're being hard on me. What I need is motivation, some tips and tricks to light a fire under me so I actually can develop the courage to practice, not calls for me to quit. Especially this close to a major tournament.
  3. RunningWithScizors

    Overcoming the Fear of Losing

    Well then, what does one do if one doesn't even have the courage to even start practicing? (And I absolutely, positively will not quit or take a break, no matter what happens, because I love this game too much.)
  4. RunningWithScizors

    Overcoming the Fear of Losing

    Well, it's kinda hard to learn anything when you've lost a game as quickly and thoroughly as I always do when I lose (both over-the-board and online).
  5. RunningWithScizors

    Overcoming the Fear of Losing

    Well, I've decided that I want to become a better Pokemon TCG player in 2014. According to a number of my friends, this will involve practice. However, I've been having trouble developing the courage and the will to practice lately because the fear of losing is holding me back. Everytime I go up...
  6. RunningWithScizors

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! Has Generation 6's pseudo-legendary line (assuming one exists) been found?
  7. RunningWithScizors

    (1) Full 'Plasma Blast' Set List [7/25]

    Pokemon Catcher and Ultra Ball in theme decks? In theme decks??? I think a lot of people's prayers have been answered.
  8. RunningWithScizors

    Dragons Exalted theme deck contents?

    What about Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums?
  9. RunningWithScizors

    Dragons Exalted theme deck contents?

    Have the contents of the Dragons Exalted theme decks been leaked yet? I'm dying to know what's inside.
  10. RunningWithScizors

    Pokemon How long have you guys been in the Pokemon World =D ?

    Me? I've been in the Pokemon world since my brother and I first got Red and Blue, respectively, back in Christmas of 1998. And man, we've never looked back.
  11. RunningWithScizors

    (1) 'Dragons Exalted' Prerelease Promo Altaria [7/24]

    Perfect. This is great news for anyone building a Garchomp/Altaria deck (myself included), and the artwork is lovely to boot.
  12. RunningWithScizors

    No Top Cut at Battle Roads?

    I'm not sure I like this decision. Gives the folks who go X-0 too much glory. Top cuts are a way to give shlubs like me another chance.
  13. RunningWithScizors

    Higgs Boson may have been found.

    When my father read about this, he joked that the scientists could see the number "42" on the Higgs boson once they got a close enough look.... :D
  14. RunningWithScizors

    (2) BW6 Vileplume, Dragons Exalted Blister [6/28]

    Seems like the powers that be at PUI want all those cards that exist only as binder filler to actually see play. First Fliptini, and now Vileplume. I think I'm going to like this card - if Reshiram and Pokemon Catcher don't rain on its parade.
  15. RunningWithScizors

    Pokemon What thrills you in pokemon?

    For me, it's: Beating the Elite 4/Champion. Finding a Shiny Pokemon. Finally completing your Pokedex. Making a GTS trade from a faraway land (the more exotic and unusual, the better). Pulling an EX or a Shiny from a pack. Traveling 100+ miles to States or Regionals. Making top cut in a...
  16. RunningWithScizors

    What was the first game you've ever 100% completed?

    For me, it would probably be the original Legend of Zelda. Yeah, I'm that old. :D
  17. RunningWithScizors

    Cakelock (Cobalion/Kyurem/Electrode Prime/Vileplume)

    Does anybody here have any ideas at all to improve on this deck? Cities start tomorrow for me.
  18. RunningWithScizors

    Cakelock (Cobalion/Kyurem/Electrode Prime/Vileplume)

    Pokemon: 3-2-2 Vileplume line 3-2 Electrode Prime line 3 Kyurem 2 Cobalion 1 Cleffa T/S/S: 3 Collector 3 Rare Candy 3 Pokemon Communication 3 PONT 3 Sage's Training 3 Twins 3 N 1 PETM 2 Fisherman 1 Flower Shop Lady 2 Eviolite Energy: 7 {W} 4 Special {M} 2 Basic {M}...
  19. RunningWithScizors

    (1) Movie 14 Goodies This Weekend + PB Contest Details [12/2]

    RE: (1) Movie 14 Goodies This Weekend + PokéBeach Contest Details [12/2] Man oh man, this might might have been the best Pokemon movie yet. I know it was the second Pokemon movie ever to move me to tears (the first being Pokemon 4Ever). In fact, there were two scenes that made me misty-eyed -...