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  1. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    In the past, I liked and did well with decks like Luxray/Garchomp, Flygon Lvl. X/Dusknoir DP, Reshiphlosion, and more recently Ray/Eels, Genesect/Virizion, Yveltal variants, and Night March (the Expanded decks I'd like to toy with). I guess I'm aggressive, but value speed and mobility as well...
  2. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    Well, I really don't have a specific deck I have in mind in Standard because of the rut I'm in. I'm just trying too many things and seeing what sticks. How does one find one's playstyle?
  3. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    Well, where did the competitive players get their expertise in deckbuilding? Certainly they have some rules they must follow.
  4. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    Well, that's the problem. I can't really pick a Standard deck unless someone gives me some rules on how to build 'em better. I'm kinda stuck on how to build Standard decks better.
  5. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    I know about testing, but where do you *start*? What are some good cards for making a deck fast/consistent?
  6. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    Well, I still haven't found a Standard deck that really fits me (and it's not for not trying). Fast and aggressive just seems to get me knocked out a lot (and Rayquaza EX and Vespiquen decks are too unstable IMO); are there any decks in Standard that rely a lot on mobility and audacious moves to...
  7. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    OK, well may there's no hard and fast way to make a deck from scratch, but is there a general way to make a deck faster and more consistent? I keep getting defeated in PTCGO.
  8. RunningWithScizors

    M Sceptile EX / Ariados / Bats (Needs Trainer Line)

    The deck I saw at the tournament had a Hoopa. But yes, on second thought, the Herbal Energy can be taken out - I put it in to provide symmetry with other decks that use e. g. Strong Energy or Mystery Energy.
  9. RunningWithScizors

    'Battle Arena Decks: Mewtwo vs. Darkrai' Contents and Photos!

    This is arguably the best value I have ever seen in a Pokemon TCG product, ever. Everyone, especially beginners to the TCG, should get a copy ASAP because this will sell out *fast*. (I've already got mine.)
  10. RunningWithScizors

    M Sceptile EX / Ariados / Bats (Needs Trainer Line)

    So, why only a 3-2 M Sceptile EX line? I'm used to 3-3 and 4-3 lines. And why a 3-3-2 line on the Bats?
  11. RunningWithScizors

    M Sceptile EX / Ariados / Bats (Needs Trainer Line)

    Well, I'm trying to get back into tournament play after some time's absence, and I need to find a deck (or several). Problem is, I'm not very good at building Trainer lines for my decks. Someone on this forum suggested I put my partial decks up on the Deck Garage and ask for advice in this...
  12. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    Problem is, I feel like I really can't start playtesting unless I have a basis for how to build a good Trainer line. That's what's sticking me. I need someone to teach me how to build good Trainer lines in decks - present it in a way that is simple for me to understand. For me, that involves a...
  13. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    It's not that I don't want to analyze a deck, it's just that I want the deckbuilding process (especially the Trainer line!) broken down into something digestible and easy to understand. And for me that means a template, raw numbers, something I can plug and play with. Something to take most of...
  14. RunningWithScizors

    M Sceptile-EX Variants

    I'm trying to make a Crobat variation for Standard, but I'm struggling to make it all fit in, especially the Trainer line. Would I have to go 3-3 on the Mega, especially since that's all I could obtain in the near future?
  15. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    Yo-yos, could you explain that kind of deck-building process to me? Do I have to physically drag all the cards out myself, or just make a mental/written list? PM me if the details take too long. Also, can you post a partial list (say one without Trainers) to the Deck Garage and ask for help in...
  16. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    Problem is, I don't really want to analyze. I want to hone the art of deckbuilding before I get back into the game - also the reason why I want templates to build decks around and raw numbers re: number of techs/draw cards/etc. that are generally in a good deck. That way I have some data to...
  17. RunningWithScizors

    Finished The Most Forgotten Pokémon [YPPY] - GAME OVER! Winner Announced!

    Chimecho. Has anyone found a competitive use for that little windchime?
  18. RunningWithScizors

    Discussion Card Battle Ep.7: Parallel City VS Sky Field

    I meant Sky Field was *useful* with the Shiftry. I'm struggling to find a use for Parallel City.
  19. RunningWithScizors

    Phantom Forces was the best in this regard - Bronzong, Heatran, Dialga EX, Aegislash EX. The...

    Phantom Forces was the best in this regard - Bronzong, Heatran, Dialga EX, Aegislash EX. The deck was actually pretty good for awhile.
  20. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    That's the problem - I really like to build decks completely out from scratch, and I like to get them as right as I can before I start testing. However, I feel like my consistency/setup has really suffered in Standard - can't get anything out when I want to or fast enough. And when I do, I can't...