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  1. RunningWithScizors

    Discussion Card Battle Ep.7: Parallel City VS Sky Field

    Sky Field has *huge* combinatory potential, and is being used to great effect (Rayquaza EX, Raichu XY variants, Shiftry FFI), but I really don't see where in the metagame Parallel City can fit. It's a solution looking for a problem.
  2. RunningWithScizors

    Best Psychic and Fighting Types

    In Breakthrough, there's a Marowak/BREAK that looks promising, as well as a slew of Mewtwo/M Mewtwo EX in various rarities.
  3. RunningWithScizors

    Finished Would You Rather...? [YPPY]

    Batman, because he's the more interesting superhero in my opinion. No superpowers - just an ordinary human with a sense of justice. Would you rather wear your grandparents' clothes for a week or nothing but a barrel for a week?
  4. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    That's for Extended, but what about Standard? (Not going into Regionals until February.) And how am I ever going to figure out how to fill in the rest? That's where I get into overflow/consistency problems.
  5. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    I was looking more for general numbers of each category (X staples, X tech cards, etc.) that I could use as a guideline when I'm finished picking all the Pokemon and Energy for my deck. You know, something like a template I can use when making a new deck from scratch.
  6. RunningWithScizors

    Discussion Card Battle Ep. 9: EXs -- Shaymin VS Jirachi

    As the Old El Paso Kid would say, "Why not both?" Sometimes you need draw power, sometimes all you need is a Supporter like Lysandre or Hex Maniac or whatever. So 1 of each would be a happy medium.
  7. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    I generally don't have time to run through a bunch of decklists. What were the numbers of each you generally saw of each category in a typical deck?
  8. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    How many of each (as a ballpark figure) do you typically run in, say, a speed deck and in a consistency deck? Remember, you have to run Spirit Links in a Mega deck, and I'm sure that doesn't really fit any of those categories (not really staple, not really niche).
  9. RunningWithScizors

    Finished The Most Forgotten Pokémon [YPPY] - GAME OVER! Winner Announced!

    Dunsparce. It's memorable because it's utterly forgettable.
  10. RunningWithScizors

    How Do You Build a Trainer Line for a Deck?

    I have no trouble building a Pokemon line for a deck, and it's easy building the energy line for a deck, but I keep running into problems trying to build the Trainer/Supporter/Stadium line for a deck. I keep looking at what's used in everything and say, "well, this is used, and this, and this...
  11. RunningWithScizors

    M Manectric-EX Variants

    Can you run this deck with a 3-3 Manectric EX line, since I only 3 and I can't seem to find a 4th in time to train for tournaments. Also, what's the purpose of the Flash Energy? Why no DCE?
  12. RunningWithScizors

    Finished Type the Above Username With Your Elbow [YPPY]

    sdwdeaqtgftwrewdec n mkiu nds Typing with your elbow on a laptop stinks.
  13. RunningWithScizors

    2015 World Champion Deck Product Images!

    Can't come soon enough. I sure could use the Shaymin EX, VS Seeker, etc. proxies. (Don't we all?) And I dare say, these are the best crop of deck names I have seen in the longest time. "Punches 'N' Bites" and "The Flying Hammer" - are these decks or WWE signature moves? Also, the Paul Revere...
  14. RunningWithScizors

    Blastoise Variants

    Which online simulators might those be? I'm only really familiar with one-on-one sites like PTCGO and the like.
  15. RunningWithScizors

    Blastoise Variants

    It was a M Rayquaza deck with Empoleon DEX as a add-on. And yes, I stink at thinking a few plays ahead. Is there any way I can improve at this?
  16. RunningWithScizors

    Finished Slap the Poster Above You With Anything 4 [YPPY]

    *slaps thegrovylekid with a wet noodle because she's immune to item locks*
  17. RunningWithScizors

    Blastoise Variants

    Well, every time I've tried to use Archie or Maxie with something, I've never been able to pull it off. I always miss the timing. So if you could provide a good step-by-step example of how you could pull it off, then maybe I could be convinced.
  18. RunningWithScizors

    Blastoise Variants

    Doesn't the deck feel kinda clumsy without the Basics and Stage 1's? I mean, how do you time the Archie so you can get the Blastoise out?
  19. RunningWithScizors

    Vespiquen Variants

    What are some good "other Pokemon" to put in the 3 vacant slots for Pokemon? Also, with only 3 empty slots for other cards, there doesn't look like there's much room for flexibility in this deck.
  20. RunningWithScizors

    M Rayquaza-EX / Bronzong

    I'm also wondering why 3 Bronzong and not 2 - don't they just clutter up things and provide good targets despite being your energy accelerators? I've often found this deck very clumsy and low in the maneuverability department when I've practiced with it. What might be wrong?