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  1. RunningWithScizors

    Competitive Decks that Don't Run Shaymin

    Sure, I'd be glad to have your Machamp deck list. At least it would give me something to work on. The only thing I was skeptical about was whether or not a rogue deck could prosper in a place where archetypes pretty much reign. I'm not worried about anything.
  2. RunningWithScizors

    Competitive Decks that Don't Run Shaymin

    I have to admit, I'm still pretty skeptical that any Machamp FFI variants (whether Medicham or Lucario EX) can do well in my home state, but I guess it couldn't hurt to give them a try. Not sure where I could find a prototype decklist, though.
  3. RunningWithScizors

    Competitive Decks that Don't Run Shaymin

    Once again, I don't think that's competitive enough in my state, and Landorus is also rotating out.
  4. RunningWithScizors

    My avvy is just fine the way it is. ^_^

    My avvy is just fine the way it is. ^_^
  5. RunningWithScizors

    Competitive Decks that Don't Run Shaymin

    I'm definitely going to get more Shaymin ASAP, but in the meantime, I need a deck that will 1. survive rotation (which I'm not sure Wailord or Night March will do well), and 2. be able to compete well in one of the most competitive formats out there (Florida). That's why I'm being so fussy.
  6. RunningWithScizors

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    The artwork on the 9-pocket binder has to be some of the best art I've ever seen on a Pokemon binder, period. The mini-binder is also lovely.
  7. RunningWithScizors

    Competitive Decks that Don't Run Shaymin

    I took a look, but the decklists refuse to show. Besides, some of those decks are rotating out, like Klinklang or Garbodor.
  8. RunningWithScizors

    Competitive Decks that Don't Run Shaymin

    It's an issue of supply, but I'd like to jump in right away. This means I need something to tide me over until I get those Shaymins. Now, besides the Wailord deck (which I don't want to run since it's too defensive), was there anything else that did well at Nationals that didn't run Shaymin?
  9. RunningWithScizors

    Competitive Decks that Don't Run Shaymin

    That's a lot of decks, but did anything of these sorts do well at Nationals? That's the true test of a competitive deck. (Also, it has to survive rotation.)
  10. RunningWithScizors

    Competitive Decks that Don't Run Shaymin

    Well, "Metal decks" and "Fighting decks" cover a lot of ground. I just wanted specific examples of competitive decks that didn't run Shaymin.
  11. RunningWithScizors

    Competitive Decks that Don't Run Shaymin

    I'm trying to get back into the tournament circuit after many months' absence (other than States and Prereleases), but I'm having a problem: I only have 1 Shaymin EX. Are there any good/competitive decks that don't run Shaymin EX that I might run until I find some more?
  12. RunningWithScizors

    Happy July 4th to all our American PokeBeach fans!

    Happy July 4th to all our American PokeBeach fans!
  13. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    Well, right now I am at my wit's end. I'm not looking for anything fast or aggressive, I'm just looking for any competitive deck at all that doesn't run Shaymin. Is there such a thing that will survive the rotation?
  14. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    When exactly was this? I don't remember it.
  15. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    Both sets look good to me, though I could skip the Dragons Exalted 'Tales - I'm looking for something Modified. Thanks!
  16. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    So, how much of each goes into that? That sounds like so many Pokemon, it make so little room for T/S/S and energy. Like I said, a decklist would be helpful, especially one without Shaymin.
  17. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    Once again, I said I wanted something that didn't run Shaymin. Also, how do you put all these disparate elements together? This looks like it would be too complex. I'm a very uncreative person who needs a sample decklist in order to build a deck and who constantly looks to others to help improve...
  18. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    Well, what goes/can go into Raichu decks?
  19. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    Well, I tried using Night March, but I'm not liking it. Either it doesn't set up at all, or when it does set up, it loses momentum. So I think it's time to move on to a new deck. Any other fast, aggressive decks (other than Flareon, I haven't had any luck with that either) out there that don't...
  20. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    Night March is all well and good for now (in fact, I've had that deck since pre-States), but what am I to do once the format rotates?