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  1. RunningWithScizors

    How to Build an Effective Deck?

    Well, there you have no room for speciality cards like Spirit Links (for Mega Evolution decks), Stadiums (for many decks), or Korrina/Muscle Band (for Fighting decks). What I'm looking for is a deck engine that's fast, but leaves me plenty of room to put in the cards specific for a particular...
  2. RunningWithScizors

    Help The "What Deck Should I Play?" Thread

    I'd like to build a fast, aggressive, flat-out destructive deck, but I don't have Shaymin EX just yet, and it looks like it might take me awhile to get some. What might be my options?
  3. RunningWithScizors

    Discussion Deck Engines - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly

    Does anyone have a good engine for Spirit Link/Mega Evolution-based decks? I've been experimenting with a lot of those and I think it would be a good thing to have a good skeleton list for that.
  4. RunningWithScizors

    How to Build an Effective Deck?

    Well, I'm building decks on my own now, and I'm still running into trouble. How can I build a T/S/S line that's both fast and consistent?
  5. RunningWithScizors

    Love the new site - it looks great.

    Love the new site - it looks great.
  6. RunningWithScizors

    How to Build an Effective Deck?

    OK, that explains everything but the "fast engine." What would be a partial decklist that would be an example of that? (Not a premium member, so I don't know about your engine, and not willing/able to sign up) Also, what's a good baseline for training? (# of games/day minimum)
  7. RunningWithScizors

    How to Build an Effective Deck?

    Brilliant, bbninjas! But I would ask a few questions: What is a "fast engine" vs. a "medium engine"? Could you perhaps spell these out as partial Trainer/Supporter lists? Not familiar with the advanced jargon. Why 4 Spirit Links or Crushing Hammers? Wouldn't that take up too much space? Also...
  8. RunningWithScizors

    How to Build an Effective Deck?

    I meant if there was a new set coming out (e. g. Roaring Skies in a few days and you wanted to build a deck around, say, Colorless M Rayquaza EX or M Gallade EX) and you were building a deck that nobody has seen before. How would you go about building the T/S/S line for that?
  9. RunningWithScizors

    Free2Play Games

    In Rumble World, you can actually go pretty far without ponying up real money for Poke Diamonds. Calling on friends and other Miis and doing the daily missions will net you enough to go by. And frankly, you only need Poke Diamonds for balloons and storage space - you can skip the clothes and...
  10. RunningWithScizors

    How to Build an Effective Deck?

    Well, I'd like to get back into tournament play after being out of the loop for awhile. Trouble is, I'm not very talented at deckbuilding. Sure, I can take a list off the Internet and build it, but I'm no good at building decks on my own. The problem? Getting the Trainer/Supporter/Stadium card...
  11. RunningWithScizors

    Ruling Evosoda and Mega Evolutions

    Evosoda: The Mega Evolution in question, Mega Gardevoir EX:
  12. RunningWithScizors

    Ruling Evosoda and Mega Evolutions

    Just saw this in PTCGO - someone using Evosoda to search for/evolve a Mega Evolution. Is this allowed in over-the-board "tournament" play?
  13. RunningWithScizors

    The Top Cut Shutting Down

    Well, if it isn't an April 1st joke, then it's going to be hard to find a YouTube channel to replace him. I've been out of the loop for awhile and I've gotta learn to be competitive again....
  14. RunningWithScizors

    PTCGO The Pokémon TCG Online Troubleshoot Guide

    I'm having trouble reinstalling the game. I download the installer as usual, but it can't install everything unless it's in a file folder that isn't on my computer. I've tried uninstalling and removing all evidence of the old program, but I still come up with the old error. Does anybody Else hav...
  15. RunningWithScizors

    Aromerneas! (Fairy Deck in the works!)

    Where's Slurpuff to handle status effects? Laser (and to some extent Gothitelle (or Trevenant)/Accelgor) are everywhere. Kind of a cross between a faster Darkrai/Hydreigon and a poor man's Genesect/Virizion.
  16. RunningWithScizors

    Overcoming the Fear of Losing

    Well, I wish I could learn from my losses. The problem is, my losses are often so fast, so dramatic, and so spectacular that it's practically impossible to learn from them. Either I can't seem to get my Pokemon out fast enough or I can't get reenforcements out fast enough, and I lose the rhythm...
  17. RunningWithScizors

    Overcoming the Fear of Losing

    I'm still unsure why you think my thinking is "fast-paced." Could you explain your interpretation of my situation?
  18. RunningWithScizors

    Overcoming the Fear of Losing

    I'm confused. What exctly in my train of thought implies that I have to "slow down" because I'm "getting ahead of myself?"
  19. RunningWithScizors

    Overcoming the Fear of Losing

    Well, there's a big difference between entering a lottery and enterning a Pokemon tournament: When I buy a lottery ticket (which I've only done twice), I do it with the knowledge that I don't have much of a chance of winning, and if I do, hey, cool. When I enter, say, a Pokemon tournament, I do...
  20. RunningWithScizors

    Overcoming the Fear of Losing

    Well, it's upsetting when you've only won a small victory when you've strived for a large victory. It's even more upsetting when you've gotten no victory at all. How exactly can I learn to lose with grace and not get all frustrated and demoralized when I lose a lot?