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  1. godzilla41

    ORAS OR/AS Demo Distribution

    What do they mean by: "Codes will be emailed the week of Oct. 31 to select Nintendo customers with Nintendo Network IDs who have signed up to receive promotional emails from Nintendo." That means that we are not getting it before oct 31?
  2. godzilla41

    Hoopa Form Change Confirmed [10/18]

    gamefreak must be kicking themselves. The games are not even out, a lot of the secrets are out of the hat already just from the demo version. Imagine how quickly they will figure out all the hidden infos when ORAS releases.
  3. godzilla41

    Mega Hoopa Uncovered in OR/AS Demo, Stats for Mega Evolutions [10/15]

    so is there other megas in the game or is that it? If the demo is the ripped off the originals, shouldn't their data be present in the demo aswell? Am not too much knowledgeable on computer science so not sure how it works and all.
  4. godzilla41

    Mega Beedrill and Mega Pidgeot in 'CoroCoro' [10/9]

    lol, well that's a very small movepool. hyper beam aswell plus stab
  5. godzilla41

    Mega Beedrill and Mega Pidgeot in 'CoroCoro' [10/9]

    beside hurricane, what else?
  6. godzilla41

    Mega Beedrill and Mega Pidgeot in 'CoroCoro' [10/9]

    not getting the part about pidgeot's special attack getting a boost.
  7. godzilla41

    ‘Pokken Tournament’ Announced! [8/26]

    Well if i had to take a guesstimate, Machamp will most likely get a mega evolution in OmegaR/AlphaS. If you look at the end, lucario mega evolved. If you remember last year (if am not mistaken), there was a picture of both Blazinken and Lucario and both of them has mega evolution. As usual, in...
  8. godzilla41

    First ‘Omega Ruby’ and ‘Alpha Sapphire’ Footage This Saturday! [5/8]

    you are not the only one. This surely was disappointing.
  9. godzilla41

    'Omega Ruby' and 'Alpha Sapphire' Releasing November 2014! [5/7]

    I can not believe that they made me all excited for this under 1 min intro clip -_-
  10. godzilla41

    'Omega Ruby' and 'Alpha Sapphire' Releasing November 2014! [5/7]

    you guys remember the rocket space tower? I wonder if it will be completed in this game and be used for jirachi/deoxys event.
  11. godzilla41

    XY Possible Leaked Pokémon: Diancie, Volcanion, Hoopa, and more!

    RE: Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution? Wow so nintendo hide away more mega evolutions. It was kind of akward when I found out that only Blazinken has a mega and the rest of the Hoenn starters are not even in the game, let alone mega evo's. After pokebank...
  12. godzilla41

    XY Future Regions in Gen VI

    The problem with that is, as we know from the information provided to us, YOU CAN'T TRANSFER ITEMS through pokebank. That theory just dosen't work unless a remake of R/S/E is made. And even then ... HM DIVE is missing in x/y and it's a big part of R/S/E. Then that means to settle this issue...
  13. godzilla41

    XY Mega Evolution: Mega Pokémon & Info

    RE: Mega Evolution: All Mega Pokémon & Info Are the mega stones trade able between the 2 games?
  14. godzilla41

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! does anyone know if Any stores in canada leaked the game yet (in the montreal area)?
  15. godzilla41

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! You might be more right then wrong. If I am not mistaken, there has always been a MEW for each generation ( celebi, jirachi, etc). BTW let's not forget that they all look cute in some way and if you ask...
  16. godzilla41

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! No way! I ordered it from amazon and it said that i'll get it on the 21st -_-' bummer!
  17. godzilla41

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! If nintendo releases small amount of pokemon like this for each gen then perhaps they can come out with a new Gen much faster each time. All in all, we fans always love new gens. :) PS. THey really need...
  18. godzilla41

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! Something is not adding up, atleast it's not making any sense to me. How fast are they planning to end gen 6? Seeing how we only seem to have 3 legends in this game. Usually the anime + movies goes along...
  19. godzilla41

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! So no old pokemons are getting any evolution? Do we even have any trio LEGEND this time around (beside the big 3)? Am a little bit shocked ... the past few gens were just over stacked with LEGENDS ... Me...
  20. godzilla41

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! Oh wow, am still waiting for my game copy and some people have already beat the game (darn, where is this shop in canada that is selling this game. I have searched high and low and still came out with nothing)