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  1. godzilla41

    (1) 'Pokemon Smash' to Reveal 'Pokemon X' and 'Y' Details Next Week! [3/30]

    Its true! Pokemon is making the game much more REALISTIC - WORLD wise for us which is actualy very interesting.
  2. godzilla41

    (1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

    FYI, just to make one thing clear, I personaly don't think there will be a new type introduced. Now putting that aside, it still dosen't give you the right to call anyone stupid or an Idiot OVER SOME SPECULATION! PERIOD!!!
  3. godzilla41

    (1) 'Pokemon Smash' to Reveal 'Pokemon X' and 'Y' Details Next Week! [3/30]

    Forget about the pokemon speculation, look at the picture and the moon. Do you guys see the Semi-Half MOON on the sky? It would really be cool if the game features Moon cycle. That would be cool ...
  4. godzilla41

    (1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

    Exactly! Anything is possible after all we are not the one RUNNING the company. It's the pokemon company's job to keep the players interested. We fans can just ASSUME but that dosen't mean everything we assume will turn out right. I really hate it when someone goes out of the box and starts...
  5. godzilla41

    (1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

    LOL wtf? One weird fella ... wasn't even fuming or bashing anyone. AKWARD! Bottom line is: no one is stupid or an idiot. it's all theories for the moment. Untill the officials comes out and says there will/will not be a new type, its all just theories for the moment.
  6. godzilla41

    (1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

    Nintendo is doing a lot of weird stuffs with pokemon. They are going out of their NORMAL TRADITION so don't start calling anyone STUPID/IDIOTS yet cause possibilities are high that at the end of the day you might be the one who looks like an idiot for comments like these ... just saying!
  7. godzilla41

    (1) New 'Extremespeed Genesect: Mewtwo's Awakening' Trailer! [3/6]

    Not sure where this came from to be honest. Why are people saying that Genesect is the improved Kabutops? Mew and Mewtwo are both PSY type where as Kabutops (rock/water) and Genesect (steel/bug). I realy fail to see the connection ...
  8. godzilla41

    (1) New 'Extremespeed Genesect: Mewtwo's Awakening' Trailer! [3/6]

    because it's MEWTWO, enough said!
  9. godzilla41

    (1) New 'Extremespeed Genesect: Mewtwo's Awakening' Trailer! [3/6]

    I haven't seen a single pokemon movie after that horific 4th movie (with celebi and suicune) but butttttttttttttttt MEWTWO!!!!! I MUST SEE THIS!!!!!! Mewtwo = BADASS
  10. godzilla41

    (1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

    A bit off topic but can you guys imagine what pokemon could take the title of #666 I hope it's the evolution of HOUNDOOM!!! ohh plz plz plz that number goes to houndoom's evolution XD
  11. godzilla41

    (1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

    REgardless of what gamefreak wants, am quite sure I'm allowed to have my own likes/dislikes ... Just cause gamefreak desides to throw a normal evelution (assuming the new EEVEE evo is a NORMAL type) dosen't mean i have to like it or like it's typing.
  12. godzilla41

    (1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

    Well if i may repharase, what i ment was that I DON'T want a NORMAL EVOLUTION! I feel that it will be a waste because am not a FAN of NORMAL pokemons (beside togekiss XD)
  13. godzilla41

    (1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

    I have a theory. Let's say that the X and Y do represent the chromosomes, therefore the MALE and FEMALE gender becomes a big thing for this generation. So let's assume for my theory the X and Y represents the genders (instead of the x and y coordinates - which could possibly be true too) then...
  14. godzilla41

    (1) Ninfia's English Name: Sylveon [2/14]

    From EEVEE's evolution to bashing GEN 4. Wow you guys know how to keep a convo going ... which has nothign to do with the thread what so ever!
  15. godzilla41

    (1) ‘CoroCoro’ Cover Reveals Silhouetted Pokemon, More Leaks Soon [2/11]

    Remember that one guy who was leaking a lot of RUMORS and also said EEVEE will have an EVOLUTION and stated that it would be a flying type ... darn well he got atleast 1 right. Let's see if it turns out to be a flying type afterall.
  16. godzilla41

    (1) ‘CoroCoro’ Cover Reveals Silhouetted Pokemon, More Leaks Soon [2/11]

    I can't believe MEWTWO will be in the movie. WOW i haven't watched a single pokemon movie after that crappy 4th one with celebi. Even if this movie is crap i'll still watch it cause it has MEWTWO in it!!! WOOT WOOT!! p.s: that eevee evolution looks like someone had no imagination while...
  17. godzilla41

    (1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

    ^ well said
  18. godzilla41

    (1) Junichi Masuda Writes about X and Y [1/21]

    This is great. Imagine if pokemon finaly evolves during battle (and not have to wait till the battle ends) just like in the anime. That would be awesome. Am happy that gamefreak stood their ground and took some criticism for making b/w series for ds because they used that distraction and...
  19. godzilla41

    (1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

    so basicaly my 3ds will be eating dust for the next 9 months or so
  20. godzilla41

    (1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

    this is after a long time there is no complain about the starters which is a good thing. Is it just me or all the refference we kept on having about the color RED and BLUE (which most of us thought was the remake of R/S) was infact reffered to X and Y ... how awesome hein