Search results

  1. godzilla41

    (1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

    pokemon seems to be hitting different continents from now on. Which ones are left? Africa, Asia (as in india would be most likely the next choice in asian region) and australia (this game will have some awesome looking pokemons!!!!) Probably in the africa region we will get a lion pokemon...
  2. godzilla41

    (1) Pokemon X and Y Announced! [1/8]

    LOL it's ok you can enjoy your last pokemon game while we the rest of the population evolve with the franchise and enjoy the new games from here on. Have fun with your B/W 2, the last ever pokemon game which apprently you will EVER PLAY!! (p.s too much bs was in that post of urs)
  3. godzilla41

    (1) Pokemon’s Big Announcement Coming via ‘Pokemon Direct’ Video Conference Tomorrow [1/7]

    Now rumors are pouring in Bout Pokemon rainbow and draceon and verbiil ... Oh lord plz Pokemon not something so gay As rainbow
  4. godzilla41

    (1) Pokemon’s Big Announcement Coming via ‘Pokemon Direct’ Video Conference Tomorrow [1/7]

    i wonder if they will give houndoom an evolution. I love houndoom. it's evolution should look epic
  5. godzilla41

    (1) Pokemon’s Big Announcement Coming via ‘Pokemon Direct’ Video Conference Tomorrow [1/7]

    i doubt we will get to see any new pokemon. If it is gen 6, possibilities are that they will just release the names of the games with their logo (just as they did previously with black and white).
  6. godzilla41

    (1) Pokemon’s Big Announcement Coming via ‘Pokemon Direct’ Video Conference Tomorrow [1/7]

    ^ i don't get the concept of region block. Why do that? honestly
  7. godzilla41

    (1) Official Japanese Pokemon Website Also Posts About the January 8th Announcement [1/4]

    OMG only one more day till the big announcement.
  8. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Side Effects of Action Replay

    I did get missingos by using the egg hatching code. But it only happened once. Not sure why though. Some codes do not use them. For example: - I used the increase movement code and some in-game events do not get activated!!! BEWARE! (same applies for walk through wall). I advise you use...
  9. godzilla41

    (1) First 3DS Pokemon Game: PokeDex 3D [6/1]

    So this is the game we were all waiting for? LMAO ... I personaly think the only reason they even made this free is because they want people to try out and see the 3D pokemons and probably do a survey and ask what people thinks of them. Then they would probably make a PBR type of game for...
  10. godzilla41

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Announces New Pokemon Game... Next Month; Movie 14 Downloads [5/12]

    RE: (1) 'CoroCoro' Announces New Pokemon Game... Next Month; Movie 14 To PROMOTE their MAGAZINE. They though HEY pokemon Battrio can be called as a game so why not announce a new game is comming out ... it's all marketing and promoting buddy!
  11. godzilla41

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Announces New Pokemon Game... Next Month; Movie 14 Downloads [5/12]

    Somethign tells me that after the news of the new game, alot of people will be disapointed because most of us here is expecting a remake of R/E/S or 3rd edition of B/W or even a PBR type of game for WII. I played both the rangers and mystery dungion and let me tell you i lost my taste on...
  12. godzilla41

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Announces New Pokemon Game... Next Month; Movie 14 Downloads [5/12]

    ^ To comment on SOUL DEW. It seems like in B/W soul dew is impossible to find. This only strenghten the fact that it will only be found on the remake of R/S/E (unless event ofcorse but I highly doubt).
  13. godzilla41

    (5) New Pokemon Game Coming, BW Promos, Victini Set/Deck, Sawk/Throh Promos [4/22]

    I personaly think that they should hold off the PBR type of game release till PROJECT CAFE comes out. Pokemon in HIGH DEF QUALITY is going to be bad a**
  14. godzilla41

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Announces New Pokemon Game... Next Month; Movie 14 Downloads [5/12]

    ^ probably is but there is that little posibility ... either way I won't be surprised if there is a FORM CHANGE for Kurem just as they did with Giratina
  15. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 got this guy on a trade off of youtube...

    What's so fake about it? My suicune looked the same before the NATIONAL DEX.
  16. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 How to find a Shiny easily

    What happened to the good old RNG technic. I haven't looked into it much but it worked 100% of the time in my platinum.
  17. godzilla41

    (1) 'CoroCoro' Announces New Pokemon Game... Next Month; Movie 14 Downloads [5/12]

    BTW how are you all too sure that the new 3rd edition will be called GRAY? Either way, once you play black/white, not much difference can be expected from the 3rd edition, beside the battle towers upgrade and perhaps a form change of Kurem (like Giratina)? I also woudn't be surprised if there...
  18. godzilla41

    (6) Note About Site's Future, Pokemon's 15th B-Day, BW Deals, Promos, Redshark [3/1]

    Hey WPM when are you going to make a live action pokemon movie for us? XD
  19. godzilla41

    DPPt/HGSS Shiny pokemon giveaway - weekly

    This week is a shiny Cyndaquil (Lv 1) ... RNG hatched. 31iv in speed and sp atck
  20. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 The Future Games Speculation Thread

    ^ what was the god stone used for?