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  1. godzilla41

    DPPt/HGSS Shiny pokemon giveaway - weekly

    Hey guys, It's been a while since I posted anything on PB. So let's get down to business shall we. Black and White is comming out soon (in english that is) and I know I won't have time to play pokemon much because of my studies; so I decided to give away the shiny pokemons (which at this...
  2. godzilla41

    (1) Nintendo Follow-Up [9/21]

    This is getting messed up. A simple question which requires an answer like Yes or No should be answered with a Yes or No. Not with freaking words that you have to open the dictionary each second cause you have no clue on what he is talking about!! WPM has a point. If nintendo releases the...
  3. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Petition to make Nintendo revoke their decision

    I am in aswell!! What nintendo is doing is very stupid. Not will it only lessen their sales, it will also take away new pokemon players from the game because someone like me who started playing pokemon since the era of R/B/Y knows a lot about it and I find this new B/W harder then the others...
  4. godzilla41

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    I just realised that this is the first time gamefreak is allowing a Basic 2 pokemon appear in the wild (the cell and the goth girl pokemon). Excluding raichu back in the old games ofcorse! My Fav pokemon out of the bunch will have to be the Pidgeon (bird starter lets call it) pokemon. Beside...
  5. godzilla41

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    anyone from the forum got the game in their hand?
  6. godzilla41

    (1) 'Black' and 'White' Prerelease Leaks! [9/16]

    Not sure why so many fighting pokemons where introduced for but ohh well! BTW where is all the people who where trying to prove that the starrters evo revield before was fake LMAO!!!!!!
  7. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 First Image from the Game Guide SPOILERS found it in a jap blog site
  8. godzilla41

    (1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

    The pseudo dragon pokemon is not all the epic as it was suppose to be. It brings more weakness then resistance. Now it will be weak against Ice(as usual), Dragon, Fighting, and bug (not sure if I am leaving out more). Where as the Tusk dragon will only have to fear Dragon and Ice attack...
  9. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 How will Plasma use Zekrom/Reshiram?

    RE: What will they be used for this time? Erase all the colors lol :P ... Well it dosen't sound like a bad idea I mean if we let the white light through a prisme we can see all the colors of the rainbow(which actualy makes all the possible colors) and black is mixture of all the colors...
  10. godzilla41

    (3) Triumphant Images, Isshu Based Off NY, Black White Perfect Score [9/9]

    Cool! it's like playing a new adventure with unknown pokemon all over again ... just like when you played RBY for the first time without knowing what to do or who to choose as your pokemon! great stuffs Game freak, you finaly get my gratitude!!!
  11. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Starter Evolutions confirmation.

    People who are still saying the evolutions of the starter is fake must be kidding themself? I wonder what they will do once the game will come out ... "Oohhh the starters are fake because it's not suppose to evolve into a loonie toonish pig!" ... come on people, time to get real about it and...
  12. godzilla41

    (1) Leaked 'Black' and 'White' Pokemon Information [9/10]

    What is the point of 3 starter fire/fighting pokemon? At the end of the day, Infernape still kicks all of their Butts because of it's superior speed not to mention his attack/sp attack is not bad either.
  13. godzilla41

    (1) 'Pokemon Sunday' Airing 'Black' and 'White' Info With Junichi Masuda [9/11]

    Minor!!! ... That Freaking Ash is suppose to be freaking 20 something by now ... Don't tell me he is still a freaking 12 years old diper baby!!!!!! COMM'N man this is just ridicilous
  14. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Black/White Japanese version.

    BTW which site are you using to buy it from? I am not having luck on any site :S ...
  15. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Starter Evolutions confirmation.

    I feel sorry for some people who still thinks that the starter and pokexperto's infos are fake. HOw much proof do they still need? Ridicilous!
  16. godzilla41

    (1) 'Pokemon Peer' Interview Translations [9/10]

    I am a bit confused about the Interview. If he stated that every eingle pokemon is new to this reagion which will leave out the old pokemons (beside trading from the old gen games). Therefore Eveelutioin is out of the question here and so is the evolution for previous generation pokemon. One...
  17. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Starter Evolutions confirmation.

    Sugimori: " I thought. I came up with the idea of making the shell on Mijumaru's stomach into a sword (katana) and using it to fight, and that's how I completed Mijumaru and its evolution." Kinda seems like we might have been fooled :S. The final of Mijumaru's (which we all think is the real...
  18. godzilla41

    (1) 'Pokemon Peer' Scans and Information [9/9]

    Finaly people can shut up about Issue being based on Newyork or not ... Even if the starters evo are real or not, by the end of the day if they are real so be it. Not like i have to like them to decide if i want to buy the game or not.
  19. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 What's inside?

    this issue will most likely/should tell us how many new pokemon are going to be in gen 5. Maybe the starters EVO and the legendery TRIO perhaps.
  20. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Why do people hate the 5th Gen so much?

    isn't it obvious? some people likes to stay with the old and never get new ... more like scared to see the new