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  1. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 New Evolutions for Generation 5

    Haha, Scizor is one of the deadliest you will ever face, another EVO will probably put it higher then the legenderis ... I love scizor though, red and deadly (just speed sucks :()
  2. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Digimon?

    Lol, you try making over 600 pokemon and let's see how many unique names and drawing/design you come up with. Give them a break man. Either way, pokemon is in a level where even the best games will have a hard time to keep up with pokemon after a decade. P.S. You should be happy that the...
  3. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 How much chance is there left?

    Is it just me or could the 3rd legendary be Ground/Dragon since Ground beats both Electric and Fire ... am just throwing a wild guess ... This has nothing to do with the topic of the thread - this thread is to discuss whether there's a chance for a Light-Type to be introduced. ~Xous
  4. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Munna = Drowzee pre-evo

    Am really having a hard time to see how Munna is going to evolve into Drowzee :S ... Plus it is a wild pokemon, I don't think they would present a preevo of a pokemon. Either way, Hypno needs an evo to make better of its stats
  5. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 The New Team of Baddies

    What ever happend to good old TEAM ROCKET! They still need to present Giovani's kid in the show
  6. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Gym Ideas?

    I am trying to think out of the box and this is what I came up with. They recently introduced 7 pokemon + Zorua/Zaroak before which makes 8 different types of pokemon. So, why only these 8? maybe they where representing the GYMS. Who knows maybe ...
  7. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 The Pokemon Transfer Machine

    I personaly will not like the transfer machine if it is anything like R/S/E to D/P/P/HG/SS. That would piss the F*** out of me. They should just make it like R/B/Y to G/S/C ... simple and can trade plenty in one day!
  8. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Opinion: The Isshu Region & New York City

    Well the reason I never believed that it was NY is because What do people usualy think of when talking about newyork. No it's not Time square that comes to mind, its the Statue of Liberty which by means is not present in the map shown. So NY is out of the question (no dessert at all in NY either) :S
  9. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Evolution Ideas For The Fifth Generation

    Yes, opps mistake :)
  10. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Evolution Ideas For The Fifth Generation

    Perhaps a different route for Pikachu beside evolving into Raichu. Being the Mascot for pokemon, it really deserves to 'spark' with the best out there. These are the other evolution I am looking forward to (maybe in this gen or 6th gen): 1) Garydos: Kill zone, maybe even stronger for some...
  11. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 Mijumaru's evolution?

    If something like that then I'll go for it. Remember Blastoise, it did not look like a total Star but still pulled it off. So let's have faith on the creator of pokemons XD
  12. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 The Isshu Region Speculation Thread (now with new larger map!)

    RE: The Isshu Region Speculation I wonder if they will have any sorte of secret island, such as the one with Darkrai, which can only be unlocked wit an event or so ...
  13. godzilla41

    BW/BW2 What you want in generation 5

    If pikachu is suppose to be the mascot of pokemon then it deserves a better evo. They should give it another evolution beside Raichu and ohh ya Evo Of gyrados would be cool
  14. godzilla41

    (1) Nintendo 3DS Details Announced at E3 [6/15]

    How much you want to bet SONY will Upgrade their PSP using the same methode as 3DS ... copycatz XD and still comes out with better graphics
  15. godzilla41

    (1) Play 'Black' and 'White' on the Internet; Clear Screenshots and Artwork [7/14]

    When was this announced? Did I just miss something?
  16. godzilla41

    (1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

    I think they will show pokemon as the final game
  17. godzilla41

    (1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

    wow so many people in the room
  18. godzilla41

    (1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11] did not start yet but lets wait and see :)
  19. godzilla41

    (1) Possible 'Black' and 'White' Spoilers - Unconfirmed [6/11]

    What else is nintendo presenting beside pokemon and 3ds?