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  1. Steen

    Special English Set Releasing in July, Could Be “Black Bolt” and “White Flare!”

    If this is two ETBs in a special *English* set, that's not going to bode well if Reshiram and Zekrom are good in this set, and have insane SIR promos.
  2. Steen

    “Battle Partners” Secret Rares Revealed!

    For the first time ever, we have gotten a Gold Hyper Rare card with a design that is actually peak. N may have no viability, but DAMN he won with the Gold Zoroark.
  3. Steen

    Hop’s Pincurchin ex, Drifblim, Pokemon Center Lady, and Other Gym Promos Revealed for January!

    The only problem I see is being able to use the attack right away, especially if you get to go second. You need a perfect Electric Generator and attach for turn, so you must use Arven. Against evolution decks this card will be awesome.
  4. Steen

    Hop’s Pincurchin ex, Drifblim, Pokemon Center Lady, and Other Gym Promos Revealed for January!

    I hit google translate on the Pincurchin ex and the attack effect is "Draw 2 Cards." Put this in a post rotation Miraidon with Hop's Choice Band and you have an actually decent early game attacker dealing 150 and giving you added consistency.
  5. Steen

    New “Premium Tournament Collection” Releasing in April!

    Given the trends this past year they're either doing a collection for Ghetsis/Boss's Orders again or they're gonna do it for Sada's Vitality. They usually do this for competitive supporters so I wouldn't be surprised if it was either of those two, or they do Carmine for how much she's used for...
  6. Steen

    Ludicolo from Battle Partners!

    Ooooh, that's not a bad idea. Dunno how you'd cover the energy cost on Tatsu tho.
  7. Steen

    Ludicolo from Battle Partners!

    Very interesting ability. It replaces Swelling Tune from F Regulation; It now applies to all of your Pokemon in exchange for it being a Stage 2 instead of a Stage 1. I can see this be used with Mamoswine ex to bloat its HP, and it tips Pidgeot ex into the 300's, allowing it to survive a majority...
  8. Steen

    Volcanion ex, Iris, Wailord Illustration Rare, and More from “Battle Partners!”

    So Hop Box is definitely gonna be a thing, Corviknight just makes it want Reversal Energy. That Magmortar though. With the Magcargo from Temporal Forces with the ability to put fire on any Pokemon your opponent switches in at any time, you basically create a Burn Block effect that you can take...
  9. Steen

    “Mega Brave” and “Mega Symphonia” Sets Trademarked for the Pokemon TCG, Hinting at Mega Evolutions?

    The only thing I'm wondering about is how do they implement Mega Evolution with a true stage evolution mechanic? In the X&Y Era, EX were Basic Ruleboxes much like V, so those types of cards having one stage up was fine, but since we're in the Scarlet & Violet era where ex's can be as high as...
  10. Steen

    Swinging the Sphene — Refining Regidrago VSTAR

    The popularity of using H. Goodra VSTAR was dwindling around Stellar Crown anyway since the effect isn't really worth it for a deck supposed to be aggressive. Before Shrouded Fable it was using Goodra since it did lack bench reach so it did need to occasionally defend against powerful evolutions...
  11. Steen

    Ruffian from “Battle Partners!”

    The absolute worst quality of Lost Vacuum was the fact it was an item. Regardless if a player used it for their Lost Zone setup, permanently losing a tool or stadium for the rest of the game is not fun for a lot of decks that rely on tools or stadiums, especially if either of them are an...
  12. Steen

    Metagross from Battle Partners!

    Wow. Didn't think they'd do Metagross this dirty. Could've at least made it Metal type so it would work with Metal Maker.
  13. Steen

    “Prismatic Evolutions” Demand Higher than Supply, Allocations Severely Cut to Local Stores

    I watched the CostCo rush for Blooming Waters earlier today and I don't think I've ever seen so much apathy from the workers around the investor bros, like they don't think to limit the damn amount that people can buy per day. I'm very scared for the overall affordability of even PLAYING the...
  14. Steen

    Iron Thorns ex / Dragapult ex Poses Major Challenges to Top Decks

    This deck is absolutely annoying as hell when you play as any ability reliant deck, but the matchup isn't outright impossible. I feel like Hydreigon ex will vibe check Dragapult once rotation happens, but either deck maintaining speed in a post Regidrago meta is still up in the air.
  15. Steen

    Swinging the Sphene — Refining Regidrago VSTAR

    Swinging Sphene is the entire reason why it's basically BDIF cause it serves as a hard counter to Raging Bolt, when it already has Covert Flight from Noivern as a soft counter. Nothing actually stops you from running both at once too, so if you can't find the Exeggutor you can still stall for...
  16. Steen

    Lycanroc and Spike Energy from “Battle Partners” Revealed!

    Finally a good special energy in this gen since Jet and Mist energy, both of which came out in 2023. We don't have a good special accelerator for regulation I onward though so it'll take a bit for it to see widespread use in stall decks.
  17. Steen

    Hop’s Zacian ex, Mamoswine ex, and More from “Battle Partners” Revealed!

    Okay, so. 1. we have a Stage 2 support that rivals Pidgeot AND deals insane damage in evolution decks. 2. we have a Dubwool that is a Noctowl but a guster. 3. we have a very worthy replacement for H. Heavy Ball. 4. we have a supporter that is essentially Battle VIP Pass but balanced. Next...
  18. Steen

    First Cards from “Battle Partners” Revealed!

    I laughed at N's PP Up and then realized. It's an omni-patch. This means you can actually commit 2-2 Trade Zoroark ex in Raging Bolt. With this item. And you would have a shitload of reacceleration potential. Oh god.
  19. Steen

    “Battle Partners” Set Officially Revealed Featuring Owner’s Pokemon!

    I really hope they don't stop making more paradox cards because Future Box needs more coverage, like it's not even funny. Ancient Mons get a basic rulebox that one-shots, another that uses a completely unrelated mon as an engine, another that feeds off of discarding, another very strong fire...
  20. Steen

    “Battle Partners” Set Officially Revealed Featuring Owner’s Pokemon!

    I'm excited to see what the Trainers' Pokemon has to offer but my only fear is them focusing too hard on this mechanic and not really allowing non-Trainers' cards to mesh well with them. Trade Zoroark is obviously fantastic and Lillie's Clefairy will do nicely with Gardy post rotation but if...