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  1. Steen

    This Deck Can Beat (Almost) Anything — Charizard ex Matchup Guide

    The second Budew hits the west, Zard will struggle staying consistent. It's goofy it ends up taking 20 damage, but you lock it out of using every viable Item ACE SPEC for it. At this point, they must use Max Belt or Hero's Cape to keep the pressure, or use Grand Tree for a better instantaneous...
  2. Steen

    Next Standard Rotation May Occur in April 2025, List of Important Cards We’ll Lose

    To be fair, they reprinted it because Mew VMAX was out of control when Scarlet & Violet started and V's were still very dominant in general, you never see it anymore because there's at most three big targets to use it for but the best decks in the format right now can oneshot any V anyway.
  3. Steen

    Next Standard Rotation May Occur in April 2025, List of Important Cards We’ll Lose

    Bench targeting moves are just starting to get good again, we do not need another basic bench protector right now. Edit: Also the Tera Rule exists so they already have a handicap this generation.
  4. Steen

    Next Standard Rotation May Occur in April 2025, List of Important Cards We’ll Lose

    They better make a successor to Hisuian Heavy Ball because important supporters, evos, and items getting stuck in prizes is becoming more and more of an issue if we also can't grab important support mons anymore. Everything else leaving like Forest Seal, Rotom V, and Radiant Pokemon as a whole...
  5. Steen

    Sacramento, Stuttgart, and Surging Sparks Shape the Meta

    Regidrago is under close contention against Miraidon from what I've seen but plenty of single prize leading decks are on the rise. We're going into the final months of Pokemon V in Standard, so I doubt other VSTARs will get a chance.
  6. Steen

    All “Terastal Festival ex” Secret Rares Revealed, God Packs Confirmed, Missing Cards, and Pull Rates!

    I am absolutely not complaining with Teal Mask ex getting a SECOND Gold Rare, but their future and ancient choices are very lackluster. This is the best set to get fancy cards period and I am so excited for the pulls I could get. If the pull rates are drastically accelerated in the west, I'm...
  7. Steen

    The New Kid on the Block — The Impact of Ceruledge ex

    This deck is still in its infancy but I just want to say that you can pretty easily stall out Ceruledge ex with the right deck. Hydreigon mills Ceruledge on top of it, you just gotta be prepared for if and when you do get the 3-mill it ends up buffing their damage enough.
  8. Steen

    Done Making Metal — Dialga Has Achieved Structural Integrity

    While all of this is true, I have to put out a disclaimer saying that the Archaludon Engine does not work the way many people believe it does. Turo's Scenario lets you reaccelerate by reactivating the ability, but it does not guarantee a Star Chronos on its own. You must have two evolutions in...
  9. Steen

    “Black Bolt” and “White Flare” Sets Now Confirmed to Release in June, Hinting at “Black & White” Game Remakes?

    I'm actually very surprised it's a 151 style special set. Kind of excited to see what they're cooking for ex's.
  10. Steen

    Regigigas Revealed from “Terastal Festival!”

    To be frank if you're using this in Terapagos you probably are using Dusclops or Dusknoir to pair with the 290 to 310 damage for a guaranteed KO especially on Teras with Hero's Cape.
  11. Steen

    Regidrago VSTAR — Not the BDIF in a Vacuum, But the BDIF for a Wide Meta

    The moment I saw Exeggutor ex be used with a Regidrago is when I realized how insane Drago is now. It has access to Phantom Dive to stunlock Evolution decks, it has Lost Impact to deal with other VSTARs and Stage 2 ex's, it has Trifrost to mow down any single prize deck in two turns, and now...
  12. Steen

    Regigigas Revealed from “Terastal Festival!”

    So Lugia might be a tier 1 deck because of this. After that though, I don't think it'll see play. This Regigigas really feels like an exasperation from one of the devs from how much Zard is still played lmao.
  13. Steen

    “Blooming Waters Premium Collection” Featuring Twelve “151” Packs Revealed!

    Idk if this collection will be worth it for the packs alone since the set's been around for over a year now. Many of the cards in the set are already widespread and reprinted so unless you're aiming to pull a gold Mew ex or Switch I don't see the point.
  14. Steen

    “Terapagos ex Ultra-Premium Collection” Holo Basic Energy Revealed, Full Product Contents!

    Can't wait for the prices of these holo energies to be like $10 per piece regardless of type because we won't get these anywhere else. Ugh.
  15. Steen

    Seaking from Terastal Festival!

    If the Festival Grounds deck archetype didn't already have good draw power and a good attacker this would boost its potential but both hand disruption and the fact it cannot abuse TMs with the ability prevents a draw four effect from actually lasting. Not to say 120 minimum isn't bad, but Max...
  16. Steen

    Ceruledge ex — A Great New Deck for Beginners and Veterans

    The only problem I see with this deck is it has a strong reliance on discarding. Hydreigon ex in the same set as this can easily take advantage of this self-milling and deal big damage from sniping Squawkabilly ex for example, setting off a prize trade that is extremely difficult for Ceruledge...
  17. Steen

    Budew from Terastal Festival

    God- Well at least we have our Dusknoir counter. But every deck is going to be royally upset at this. I don't think it'll be incredibly popular unless it can actually fit in a decent control deck that can combo with Budew's free retreat, but anything even marginally slower than the top...
  18. Steen

    All Eeveelution Cards Revealed from “Terastal Festival ex!”

    Eh, Magneton from Surging Sparks can let you pull more of a gotcha play and Ogerpon is a no brainer accelerator to use regardless. It doesn't have a spot in Miraidon since Pikachu ex suits it better.
  19. Steen

    All Eeveelution Cards Revealed from “Terastal Festival ex!”

    I would use it in an Armarouge ex setup but I'd rather use powerglass + magma basin & fire off, I've actually been testing that today and it's pulling good results, so I don't know if Flareon would be better for it as a set up support meatshield.
  20. Steen

    All Eeveelution Cards Revealed from “Terastal Festival ex!”

    That Jolteon ex has to be the best Stellar I've seen that isn't Terapagos. That is an incredibly cheap 240 that I can see be pulled off by having Palkia VSTAR be a quick engine or using Sada's Vitality. The Vaporeon ex would be amazing if the Tera Rule did not exist, the Umbreon and Espeon...