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  1. Steen

    Hold These L’s: Louisville and Lille Meta Analysis

    The #1 issue I continue to see with lost box is its setup speed has stayed exactly the same since its inception and has rapidly been outpaced for some time. Raging Bolt can oneshot Comfey for one energy, snipe any Giratina on sight, and has next to no issue with any other attackers. A Zard or...
  2. Steen

    Hold These L’s: Louisville and Lille Meta Analysis

    Yeah but bench hitting moves aren't really common right now anyways unless you're Drago.
  3. Steen

    Creatures Warns Pokemon TCG Players to Behave Respectfully Online

    Respectfully, using a Lottery to be able to get players into tournaments is such a horrible idea. It makes sense for getting access to beta tests or to get access to buy certain products, but to be able to compete to get a chance at Worlds tells me they don't have the infrastructure set up in...
  4. Steen

    Diving Deep — Analyzing Complex Board States

    For the first puzzle; Use Jewel Seeker to grab an Iono and a Nest Ball. Use the two nest balls to grab a Duskull and a Blood Moon Ursaluna after using Dusknoir. Iono the Zard's hand afterwards to leave them at a hand of 3 and you at a hand of 4. Use Pidgeot to grab a DTE and place it on...
  5. Steen

    “ex Starter Deck Generations” Revealed Featuring 18 Pokemon ex!

    Looking at the list of single prizes again, Lilligant and Toedscruel both seem to be really good niche supports that help their respective types, cause I know of plenty of two retreat cost ex's that would love to have free retreats from this, just depends on how badly they need it. If only...
  6. Steen

    2024 Illustration Contest Promos to Release in March!

    I hope the Toxtricity ex is decent at least since Anderson wants Tox to have two moves, but if they opt it to have an ability I wouldn't complain.
  7. Steen

    “ex Starter Deck Generations” Revealed Featuring 18 Pokemon ex!

    I get these are starter decks, but oh my god. Reshiram finally gets an ex and it is slightly worse than its V, Dialga's ex is infinitely worse than its V variants, Zacian is just bad, and the Koraidon would be really good if it was classified as an Ancient Pokemon. I wouldn't even use the...
  8. Steen

    Crushing the Competition With Iron Thorns ex

    Iron Thorns was a deck that caused everyone to panic and have a cancelling cologne as a tech for a month, but other than that I have to say it is pretty hopeless. It slows down Charizard, Raging Bolt and Regidrago while only really being a hard counter to Gardevoir, Lugia, and Miraidon. If...
  9. Steen

    Understanding Raging Bolt ex, the Most Popular Deck in Format

    Probably my most hated deck in the format since it's carried so extremely hard by Sada's Vitality which was already a busted card long before this, but it also accentuates my feeling that Basic Rulebox decks have started to power creep faster than Evolution decks. Legit the best basic rulebox...
  10. Steen

    Miraidon, Koraidon from Supercharged Breaker!

    Ancient Box uses a lot of basics anyway so using switch cart is a no brainer if you need to swap to moon ex or vengeance fletching. The 2 retreat is probably the only weakness about the card.
  11. Steen

    Miraidon, Koraidon from Supercharged Breaker!

    The Koraidon is gonna be a nice addition to Ancient Box with its first attack since it is two colorless, making it a good follow up to the single prize Moon and introduces better type coverage for that deck. Otherwise, throw it in the bulk bin.
  12. Steen

    Scovillain ex, Lake Guardians, Clemont, and More Illustration Rares Revealed from “Supercharged Breaker!”

    I do want to add from my previous comment that the Scovillain ex is basically an ex version of the single prize variant we got like a year ago, and it will have the widest amount of coverage out of any card in this format, targeting a large amount of Fighting and Darkness types, while having...
  13. Steen

    Scovillain ex, Lake Guardians, Clemont, and More Illustration Rares Revealed from “Supercharged Breaker!”

    That new Clemont supporter is a little bit terrifying when Miraidon already got a massive buff in Stellar Crown and it's getting Pikachu ex. Dragapult is crying rn.
  14. Steen

    Amulet of Hope ACE SPEC Revealed from “Supercharged Breaker!”

    Another Ace Spec that will be amazing once Lost Vacuum goes away! Yay! At least there's now the funny strategy of throwing this on a Radiant Jirachi and getting six cards when it gets KO'd.
  15. Steen

    Alolan Dugtrio from Supercharged Breaker

    Weird card tbh, but I can see it working with specific setups. Probably can't fit in Dialga as a spare attacker but it probably can fit in Heatran.
  16. Steen

    Flutter Mane, Iron Bundle from Supercharged Breaker

    Melmetal barely got any cards (with actually different text) during the SWSH era and now it has them in spades despite it not even being in SCVI, so we will probably get them as ruleboxes during Gen 10, or as soon as Regulation J. We also do not have a single Ultra Beast card since the Sun &...
  17. Steen

    Flutter Mane, Iron Bundle from Supercharged Breaker

    The Flutter Mane would be an incredible support to yeet the damage from a Roaring Moon ex that survived a turn after it used Frenzied Gouging. Plus it isn't direct damage, so using Double Turbo would actually be a good idea, and it would even be fine in actual Ancient Box since it uses Moon ex...
  18. Steen

    Long-Lost “Jirachi V Box” Now Available in the U.S.!

    Strange that it's finally been put on shelves as Stellar Crown is affecting the meta right now. Wish Connector is an interesting ability in the context of recycling energies for Stellar ex Pokemon but its 180 HP probably won't make it a suitable alternative to Blissey ex w/ Glass Trumpet...
  19. Steen

    “Supercharged Breaker” Featuring Tera Pikachu ex Officially Revealed!

    The power creep that's more dangerous is one-prizers and basic ruleboxes approaching the Basic V/VSTAR HP pool with equal power in some form, cause Blood Moon Ursaluna ex, Okidogi ex, and Cursed Blast Dusknoir are all prime examples of this, offering lots of power with not a lot of effort.
  20. Steen

    Tera Hydreigon ex, Tera Tatsugiri ex, Milotic ex, Jasmine, and More from “Supercharged Breaker!”

    Like I said, Milotic and Tatsugiri are kind of memes. The only truly broken card in this article right now is Hydreigon ex. Cinnabar on Tatsu is such an obtuse energy cost that they would have to make a Dragon type special energy for it to be somewhat usable in a general setting. It does have...