Search results

  1. PokeFlora

    H: Mesprit.X, Gardevoir.X, Dusknoir.X, Gliscor.X, Electivire.X MT, Mewtwo.X(pack)

    (Edmonton,Alberta,Canada) Rules: 1: Cards must be in mint/near mint condition. 2: You can PM me for trades, I check my in box daily. 3: No ripping/scamming. I'm here for honest trades. 4: I only trade for English cards and inside the USA and Canada. 5: Please ship cards in sleeves and top...
  2. PokeFlora

    Shaymin's Shoppe: Have ReshiPhlosion Deck + Odd and end stuff

    RE: Shaymin's Shoppe: UL listed, 6 Rare Candy, 5 Judge, 3 Donphan Prime, and More. 20$ for flygon lv.X its mint i assume? and i'll be paying Paypal