Search results

  1. P

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 32 yes we can
  2. P

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 27 nooo
  3. P

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 20 yes almost half way there
  4. P

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 16 almost no mods are on
  5. P

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 13 yay
  6. P

    BW/BW2 The Battle Now! Thread

    use platinum fc
  7. P

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 16 no mod post
  8. P

    BW/BW2 The Battle Now! Thread

    i will
  9. P

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 9 yay
  10. P

    Finished Members vs Staff Members (You-person-person-you)

    i am joining the dark side i am told they have cookies ... jk 2 swarm
  11. P

    Wi-Fi Trades The Kashmaster's Trading Thread, Only want pokemon with good IVs or Are EVd

    no i do not have anything else i would be willing to trade for it
  12. P

    Wi-Fi Trades The Kashmaster's Trading Thread, Only want pokemon with good IVs or Are EVd

    stats 281/311/203/201/209/250 ivs 21/25/8/22/14/20 and no i cant clone
  13. P

    Wi-Fi Trades The Kashmaster's Trading Thread, Only want pokemon with good IVs or Are EVd

    would you do it for a shiny eved kingdra with an adamant nature
  14. P

    Wi-Fi Trades The Kashmaster's Trading Thread, Only want pokemon with good IVs or Are EVd

    i would be willing to trade a timid evd cressalia or a naughty evd salamence nicknamed menacetou
  15. P

    DPPt/HGSS Look what I just bred, chained, or re-setted!

    i bred a adamant dragon dancing bagon and 28/31/26/0/31/31 ivs
  16. P

    Members vs. Riskbreakers (You-Person-Person-You)

    1... yes well you are the only staff that really post in it anyway
  17. P

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) wow 4 thanks rb
  18. P

    Wi-Fi Trades d master342's Extravagent "My Player" Thread: Biggest Bump in History!!!

    RE: d master342's Extravagent "My Player" Thread: Biggest Bump in History! that is fine.