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  1. P

    Finished Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 2

    RE: Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 1 i meant the vampire if it exists.
  2. P

    Finished Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 2

    RE: Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 1 yes but why go after some one who is not very usefull instead of someone who may be the seer or prest.
  3. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Lunar Wing's Trade Thread-Looking for Hasty or Jolly Worlds '09 Weavile UT!!

    RE: Lunar Wing's Trade Thread no i can't clone ask pdc i think he can clone.
  4. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Lunar Wing's Trade Thread-Looking for Hasty or Jolly Worlds '09 Weavile UT!!

    RE: Lunar Wing's Trade Thread would you do my dd totadile and cyndaquil for the ut cresselia?
  5. P

    Finished Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 2

    RE: Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 1 one huge problem with my role is it is a one and done thing.→__← so now i am a usless townie.
  6. P

    Finished Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 2

    RE: Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 1 d master there was no sick revenge trust me.
  7. P

    Finished Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 2

    RE: Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 1 d master how is the matchmaker evil?
  8. P

    Finished Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 2

    RE: Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 1 i think meta is suspicious but not going to vote now. VOTE:UNDECIDED congrats d master;}
  9. P


    RE: PDC's Trades Looking For Ev'd Pokemon will give big offers Have Movie 12 Arceus! do not need the mudkip any more but could you pm me the stats of the jirachi.
  10. P


    RE: PDC's Trades Looking For Ev'd Pokemon will give big offers Have Movie 12 Arceus! what is the nature and ivs on the jirachi.
  11. P

    DPPt/HGSS Mod's Please Lock This. I need a new thread.

    RE: Sakura's Trainer Thread *Free Bred Pokemon* i would like a bold eevee with the egg moves fake tears and wish i am willing to trade a shiny japanese roserade for it.
  12. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Forum Shark's Clone, Pokerus, and more! Pikachu Coloured Pichu and MOVIE ARCEUS!

    what are the ivs and evs on the shiny lucario i would trade a shiny groudon that has evs although i do not know what it is eved in if the lucario is good.
  13. P


    RE: PDC's Trades Looking For ANY 10 ANIV Poke I DON"T HAVE Have Movie 12 Arceus! what nature is the shiny mudkipz.
  14. P

    Finished Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 2

    RE: Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 1 Scene 1 VOTE:AMT Sorry to see you go.
  15. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 65 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :

    RE: Pokemon I'm willing to trade: 54 Shinys and more coming: now updated: ALL LEGIT: Movie Arceus!!!! :) what nature is the shiny mudkip and what are it's ivs?
  16. P

    Finished Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 2

    RE: Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 1 Scene 1 looks like d master has to post stuff that sounds like it is coming from a 1500 english bible . o well, guess it is just part of his role.
  17. P

    Finished Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 2

    RE: Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 1 Scene 1 VOTE:UNDECIDED still no evidence to vote against some one yet.
  18. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Shadow's Trade Center. Revived for now.

    RE: Shadoworganoid's Trade Center. 80+ Shinies. ya 40 min works for me so thanks for the trade and do u have a ref thread so i can leave a ref?
  19. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Shadow's Trade Center. Revived for now.

    RE: Shadoworganoid's Trade Center. 80+ Shinies. yep same fc as always and i can get on now if you would like or just pm me a time you can trade.
  20. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Shadow's Trade Center. Revived for now.

    RE: Shadoworganoid's Trade Center. 80+ Shinies. i would trade 3-4 shinies for it and you could clone it so you have more of them,and i would wait for it to bee cloned. the shinies you could pick from are relicanth,honchkrow,ninjask,japaneese roserade,golem,groudon,machamp,garnevoir,and...