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  1. P

    Finished Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 2

    RE: Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 1 Scene 1 posting so that people don't think i am in active or acting strange like last game. VOTE:UNDECIDED.
  2. P

    Wi-Fi Trades Shadow's Trade Center. Revived for now.

    RE: Shadoworganoid's Trade Center. 80+ Shinies. what are the evs and ivs on the shiny scizor?
  3. P

    Finished Werewolf V: On Broadway! Act 2 Scene 2

    RE: Werewolf V: On Broadway! Dress Rehearsal i want to join yay last person
  4. P

    Any Megaman Star Force 3 players here? Let's form a Brother Band!

    just beat rouge zz. is it weird that my hp is 1700 when i only have like 800 lp?
  5. P

    Any Megaman Star Force 3 players here? Let's form a Brother Band!

    forte ya i added you and dark i would rather save the space for a tauros and yes i will face you.
  6. P

    Any Megaman Star Force 3 players here? Let's form a Brother Band!

    fires if you are a wolf i don't want to add you as i am a wolf.
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    Any Megaman Star Force 3 players here? Let's form a Brother Band!

    dark it does not matter i was getting creamed anyway.
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    Any Megaman Star Force 3 players here? Let's form a Brother Band!

    do you mean the mini satelite on the right side of the wave road just walk to the place where it says acsess and if you have the joker card/key it will open. darksoul you want to battle i need alot of lp.
  9. P

    Any Megaman Star Force 3 players here? Let's form a Brother Band!

    does anyone have some of the sword people that increase when you have more in your hand i need alot of them. also where is the ability auto lock?
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    Any Megaman Star Force 3 players here? Let's form a Brother Band!

    ok lets try this again my fc is 3953-5374-4243.
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    Any Megaman Star Force 3 players here? Let's form a Brother Band!

    i would like to form a brother band i do not care what noise you are. my fc 395353744743 and i am a wolf
  12. P

    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the fourth round (yppy) 26 you are right
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the fourth round (yppy) 20 i will take the japaneese one i already got a reverse hollo misprint one.
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the fourth round (yppy) 16 is it japaneese or English?
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the fourth round (yppy) you person person you it means 2 people have to post befor you can post again 13
  16. P

    BW/BW2 The Trade Now Thread

    i would like an adamant beldum with decent ivs.i would trade a fully eved salamence or kingler for it.
  17. P

    Finished Werewolf IV: Crash into Weird: Day 2

    pokechamp it is not likely i will get mod killed i did not post exactly what he told me in the pm but it is still posible.
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    Finished Werewolf IV: Crash into Weird: Day 2

    nn it is not quoted direcctly.
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    Finished Super Smash Bros: This. Is. BRAWL! (yppy)

    + Jigglypuff - King Dedede finnished
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    Finished Werewolf IV: Crash into Weird: Day 2

    pokechamp just to prove you wrong I am Matt. I have traveled the world doing an Irish jig right when I get off the airplane. Ability: Dance with me! Once per night i can pm a name of a person to z-man. That persons vote counts the same as my vote. Win condition: No wolves remain...