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  1. P

    oddest victories

    i played my friend he used toxitank and i used e-vire his only pokemon he had left was a honchcrow g and i had 12 {L} attached to e-vire and got 9 heads with discharge for 900 damage lol
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    DPPt/HGSS Seeking TRU shaymin PICK 3 Pokémon from shiny to other event Pokémon i own 4 et!!

    RE: Seeking TRU shaymin PICK 3 Pokémon from shiny to other event Pokémon I own 4 et!! i have a tru shaymin i want shiny roserade mystery mew and if you could an adament Aipom with fake out
  3. P

    BW/BW2 xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/08/11. Have 500+ events coming soon from DJ's giv

    RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED: 03/22/09 See post #158 on how to post in this thread. ash could you check the ivs and nature of the bronzong
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the third round (yppy) 52 i think the mods dont care anymore
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    Wi-Fi Trades Darkrai'sNightmare's Trading Center!

    would you do my shiny relicanth for a mild cyndaquil
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    Wi-Fi Trades X war X My player thread! UPDATES! NEW LEGENDS AND SHINIES!

    yes it changes back if traded to diamond
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the third round (yppy) 30 swarm
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    Finished Rate My Usertitle (You-Person-Person-You)

    7/10 stop starring at me
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    BW/BW2 xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED 09/08/11. Have 500+ events coming soon from DJ's giv

    RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED: 03/22/09 See post #158 on how to post in this thread. what nature is the bronzong and what ivs does it have
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    (1) Video Game Showdown Info Released! [4/8]

    i a surprized that there are not that many on the east coast
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    Pokemon REAL noobs Are SOOOOOOOOOOO anoying!

    tell him to do a one on one battle and use a F.E.A.R rattat
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 3 yes we will
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) ya it crashed on my dsi aswell as my pc but 65
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 54 just to rub it in
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 49 1 more
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 43 7 more
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 39 11 more
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    Finished Count to 50 before the staff posts: the seventeenth round (yppy)

    RE: count to 50 before mod posts: the second round (yppy) 36... 14 more