i played my friend he used toxitank and i used e-vire his only pokemon he had left was a honchcrow g and i had 12 {L} attached to e-vire and got 9 heads with discharge for 900 damage lol
RE: Seeking TRU shaymin PICK 3 Pokémon from shiny to other event Pokémon I own 4 et!!
i have a tru shaymin
i want shiny roserade mystery mew and if you could an adament Aipom with fake out
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED: 03/22/09 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.
ash could you check the ivs and nature of the bronzong
RE: xxashxx's & InuMimi's My Player Thread. UPDATED: 03/22/09 See post #158 on how to post in this thread.
what nature is the bronzong and what ivs does it have