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  1. Tytus

    'Remix Bout,' Japan's July Set!

    Y'all forget that we are getting power plant with this so it won't be the end all be all.
  2. Tytus

    'Remix Bout,' Japan's July Set!

    The guzzler is insane. You could take 4 prizes and have a Black market prism in play so your opponent can't take prizes. What the heck this is busted.
  3. Tytus

    'Unified Minds,' August's SM11 Set!

    Im pretty sure they hand out all the art works through regional national and world events right.
  4. Tytus

    'Remix Bout,' Japan's July Set!

    With Porygon Z this will be an amazing card (the Draw Energy). The Heracross is also interesting considering its all colorless energy and the tag team doesn't have to be the active.
  5. Tytus

    'Hidden Fates,' Special Set Releasing in America This August!

    This will be a nice sparklifier for decks. Pretty excited for the shinies though.
  6. Tytus

    Fall Tag Team Tins Also Feature Garchomp/Giratina and Mew/Mewtwo-GX!

    The Mew Mew tin will sell out fast.
  7. Tytus

    'Hidden Fates,' Special Set Releasing in America This August!

    What a bunch of useless Gx's why would you waste $20.
  8. Tytus

    Watch Live: New 'Pokemon Sword & Shield' Info During E3's Nintendo Direct!

    Pokemon is supposed to be for kids. I think this may be getting a little riscay.
  9. Tytus

    'Unified Minds,' August's SM11 Set!

    Worlds will be like when burning shadows got released. There will be a lot of maybe decks and it will all come down to matchups and who is the better player.
  10. Tytus

    'Alter Genesis,' 'High Class Pack 2019' Sets Announced for Japan!

    Well the sun and moon block will be coming to an end probably after December so they can't cram everything into like the last 3 sets. Can someone also tell weather black and white will be rotating after sun and moon ends or will it be 2020's rotation?
  11. Tytus

    Watch Live: 'Pokemon Direct' Stream for 'Pokemon Sword' and 'Shield!'

    I absolutely hate the integration of Pokemon Go into mainstream Pokemon games. Call me nostalgic if you want to I don't care. But what I'm seeing right now are not the great games that Pokemon used to produce.
  12. Tytus

    'Hidden Fates,' Special Set Releasing in America This August!

    Are they finally taking pride in their expensive products?:eek::eek:
  13. Tytus

    'Unbroken Bonds' Now Out of Print, Possible New Trend for Future Print Runs

    So they are finally catering to collectors instead of players, wow.
  14. Tytus

    Top 8 Finalists Announced for Pokemon TCG Illustration Grandprix!

    So many talented artists. I wonder if they allowed multiple submissions.
  15. Tytus

    SM11 Miracle Twins!

    Mega Sableye Tyranitar alt art looking good.
  16. Tytus

    Pokemon Press Conference Tomorrow, Pokemon Direct in June!

    Can world wide card legality be topic for questions? Also, can we question the recent spike in the price of products that pokemon has released.
  17. Tytus

    'Hidden Fates,' Special Set Releasing in America This August!

    The yellow A's are so ugly though.
  18. Tytus

    'Hidden Fates,' Special Set Releasing in America This August!

    Is it just me or does the Zapdos in the regular artwork look paranoid for some reason.