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  1. Tytus

    'Battle Style' is March's Set, Introduces New Single Strike and Rapid Strike Cards!

    The Boltund wouldn’t be so bad in standard if we had rainbow energy.
  2. Tytus

    TCG Trademarks for 'High Class Pack' and 'High Class Deck' Filed!

    It honestly probably doesn't matter if Charizard is in the set or not for people to scalp it. As long as the set has something "special" about it it's going to be scalped.
  3. Tytus

    Six Cards Added to Japan's Expanded Ban List!

    Finally, some continuity between formats.
  4. Tytus

    Free Zacian V in PTCGO, Player's Cup II Now Streaming!

    Thanks, I have 2 full art locked Zacian V now!
  5. Tytus

    'VSTAR' Trademark Filed!

    Imagine they give us Zacian vmax. Max Blade 4 metal energy does 370 damage and negates all effects on the defending pokemon with the stipulation that it can't attack next turn. They give 340 hp because why not.;)
  6. Tytus

    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    Shiny Bunnlby looks like it jumped into a coal mine and shiny Falinks looks like it sat out in the sun too long and got over tanned lol.
  7. Tytus

    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    A lot of the Elite four members kind of get shoved to the side as far as cards go. I guess I can't argue though if TPCI knows what sells.
  8. Tytus

    'Ultra Premium Box,' 'Elite Trainer Box Plus,' and More 'Champion's Path' Products in November!

    These are so beautiful and sleek they almost don't look like Pokemon cards.
  9. Tytus

    New 'Cosmic Eclipse' Print Run Next Year, In Line with Japan

    I mean from a collectors standpoint the full arts in the set are beautiful, especially the tag supporters. But from a competitive standpoint it's getting slightly annoying having them seemingly push for this ADP meta. On the other hand maybe they are secretly hoping that Togepi, Cleffa, and...
  10. Tytus

    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    Is it just me or does piers look more like a kid in this card. I actually like it more than his previous full art.
  11. Tytus

    Promos of Arceus, Dialga, & Palkia-GX and Cherish Ball To Be Given Out in Japan!

    Expanded is where it's at, as degenerate of a format as it is it's actually quite enjoyable.
  12. Tytus

    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    This could actually be really nice in this format considering that A lot of decks that aren't OHKOing mons are going to overkill them on the next turn, this allows for minimal repercussions while using the yell towel. You could also just abuse the fact that your deck is hitting so much and gust...
  13. Tytus

    Rusted Sword and Rusted Shield from "Shiny Star V"

    Actually, if you have ADP GX attack up, rusted sword attached, and you played a Leon during your turn, you hit for 320 damage allowing you to one hit KO a lot of V Maxes.
  14. Tytus

    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    In expanded you could Ho-Oh EX then ninja boy into the Amazing Rare Yveltal. then just a double colorless energy picks up the ko. Kyogre also seems very good in expanded as well as you could chain the 80 spreads.
  15. Tytus

    Oranguru, Shaymin-EX, Sableye, and Energy Grace Milotic Banned in the Expanded Format!

    Couldn’t they have just made shaymin once per turn. Also why do they just outright ban stuff instead of trying to fix the text a little.
  16. Tytus

    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    Hm, very interesting. Besides the ability lock Weezing the spread one could also benefit from this as well. 1 damage counter every where a turn early.
  17. Tytus

    'Vivid Voltage,' November's English Set!

    They couldn't even wait 4 sets before they introduced their new gimmick. SMH my head pokemon. On the less pessimistic flip side of things I'm very excited about a lot of cards in this new set. Opal seems to really interest me. I wonder how many decks it will see play in?
  18. Tytus

    Mr. Rime "Thank You" Promo!

    That will be cool if you're playing mad party. Other than that it's a cool card to have for the collection.
  19. Tytus

    Leftover 'Sun & Moon' Full Arts Releasing in English!

    I would pick this up for $20 even though I’m not a casual. That’s a lot of packs and a never released jirachi gx.