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  1. Tytus

    'World Down' and 'Legendary Heartbeat,' Japan's Summer Sets Introducing Amazing Rares!

    There are actually some crazy cards in this set. The powerful energy is basically strong energy but for any pokemon, really nice. the toughness cape was probably made before sword and sheild like the turbo patch as it excludes pokemon V, really nice. The Decidueye is crazy as it blocks damage...
  2. Tytus

    'World Down' and 'Legendary Heartbeat,' Japan's Summer Sets Introducing Amazing Rares!

    Its like the old Vanilluxe but better because its an ability and with the new stadium your chances of not getting paralysis are 25% before you switch and stuff. This could be very good if someone figures out the perfect deck for it. Also rip 2011 format. Before massive basics were a thing.
  3. Tytus

    'World Down' and 'Legendary Heartbeat,' Japan's Summer Sets Introducing Amazing Rares!

    Mountainous smoke isn't bad at all. I could see this being played in decks with robo substitute or mill/disruption decks.
  4. Tytus

    'World Down' and 'Legendary Heartbeat,' Japan's Summer Sets Introducing Amazing Rares!

    I think its success will be more dependent on what is likely to be more prevalent at current tournaments or in the meta game. While the Torchic and Combusken will be important the deck won't be able to succeed if most of its matchups are not weak to it.
  5. Tytus

    'World Down' and 'Legendary Heartbeat,' Japan's Summer Sets Introducing Amazing Rares!

    With a metal patch and a twin energy this actually hits pretty well. All you need is one of the pre evolutions on the bench. You can also boost the damage output via Galarian Perserker and vitality band. Not a bad card might be fun to mess around with.
  6. Tytus

    'World Down' and 'Legendary Heartbeat,' Japan's Summer Sets Introducing Amazing Rares!

    Arctozolt's ability is nice because the Pokemon doesn't have to be in the active for it to have an effect. I could maybe see a rogue deck come out with this and Galarian Coursola V.
  7. Tytus

    'Pokemon Players Cup' Online Tournament Announced by TPCi!

    Yeh so anyone can make a new account and say they are a certain age and then enter. With no way to check the age of the person behind the computer it will be unfair because you could have a 35 year old with critical thinking skills masquerading as a JR. then they could end up playing a 10 year...
  8. Tytus

    'Pokemon Players Cup' Online Tournament Announced by TPCi!

    The reason they may be excluding juniors and seniors is because of the fact that A: there may be some complications with age or, B: anyone can make and account and say that they are a certain age therefore making it an unfair age advantage that no one can really prove until after the tournament...
  9. Tytus

    'World Down' and 'Legendary Heartbeat,' Japan's Summer Sets Introducing Amazing Rares!

    Well hope yall are happy that dark box may not be gone in expanded anymore. Also with the free retreat energy being a thing this is just getting out of control.
  10. Tytus

    2021 Pokemon TCG Format Rotation Announced!

    The fact that Black and White may be rotating when the Sword and Shield block finishes is kind of crazy.
  11. Tytus

    'Eruption Walker' Japan's Mini-Set for April!

    This could actually be really viable on the first turn of the game. Since you usually have only one pokemon to start if you go second this would be really good.
  12. Tytus

    'Rebel Clash' English Set List!

    It's nice that we are getting some staple cards back like tool scrapper and bosses orders. The Milotic V will be nice to have and the Scoop Up Net will be broken in expanded. Speaking of expanded that Hatternatee may find its way into Trevnoir decks as a way to clean up the extra card before the...
  13. Tytus

    'Eruption Walker' Japan's Mini-Set for April!

    The fact that Glimwood Tangle doesn't have any restrictions that we commonly see with cards that reset coin flips is really nice. This will granted the wording does't change allow us to redo coin flips twice if we use the stadium's effect first. This also brings coin flip resets back to standard...
  14. Tytus

    'Trainer's Toolkit' and 'Premium Figure & Pin Collection' Releasing in June!

    It's the regular art because the alt art is going to be in our fall special set like dragon magesty and shining legends were. Also this is great because it may (granted they actually include useful stuff) allow for newer players to pick up the game easier.
  15. Tytus

    'Pokemon TCG: Battle Academy' Announced!

    I see what you're saying and wish the same myself. Unfortunately I don't feel like this will contain expanded stuff because it is releasing in July. The expanded season is usually around early winter to the end of it. Maybe we will get an expanded version of this product some time in the future...
  16. Tytus

    'Trainer's Toolkit' and 'Premium Figure & Pin Collection' Releasing in June!

    Uh hello. $40 for 2 Dedenes yes please. Now we just need a computer search in there and we good.
  17. Tytus

    'Legend of Galar Tins' Featuring Zacian and Zamazenta V!

    Ah yes such a glorious price drop. On another note the tins themselves are actually looking pretty good this time around.
  18. Tytus

    'Trainer's Toolkit' and 'Premium Figure & Pin Collection' Releasing in June!

    The trainers toolkit may be referring to the product that people got over in Japan. It had essential staples for the expanded including hard to find ace specs.