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  1. Tytus

    Japan's March Set: 'Rebellion Crash,' Plus Toxtricity V, Charizard VMAX, Grimmsnarl VMAX!

    Cursed Shovel is legit broken This makes mill even better because now you feel fine about loosing a pokemon. Durant mill with lana's fishing rod will be busted.
  2. Tytus

    Japan's March Set: 'Rebellion Crash,' Plus Toxtricity V, Charizard VMAX, Grimmsnarl VMAX!

    That Milotic v will be nice even if it isn't good. I am also interested to see if the ability on the falinks will be any good. I also don't think anyone expected mally v max. Getting gusting back will also be nice.
  3. Tytus

    Japan's March Set: 'Rebellion Crash,' Plus Toxtricity V, Charizard VMAX, Grimmsnarl VMAX!

    Porygon durant control? Or in expanded Blastoise durant control.
  4. Tytus

    New 'Polteageist V Box' Revealed!

    I beleive the ability is supposed to be paired with the new psychic energy.
  5. Tytus

    Creatures Reveals TCG's New Focus on Five Weaknesses, Dragon Likely Removed

    You want to know what this means. It means that they have more of an excuse to print massive sets and big basics. It's going to be like 500 hp 4 prize basics at some point.
  6. Tytus

    Sword & Shield Prerelease Promos Revealed!

    Wow good promos for once.
  7. Tytus

    Nine Surprising Changes Announced for the PTCG: Fairy Pokemon Dropped!

    So when an errata happens will you still be able to play the old card and it will just have the effect of the new meaning or do you have to have the new print of the card to play it.
  8. Tytus

    Expanded Turbo Ultra Necrozma - Cosmic Eclipse

    So would you recommend Ranger in an ultra necrozma deck.
  9. Tytus

    Expanded Turbo Ultra Necrozma - Cosmic Eclipse

    The jirachi that removes the special energy and prevents damage actually has a colorless attack cost so you could fill the slot with anything. Also would you think that ranger may see play again with all the ADP running around the chance for toad.
  10. Tytus

    Expanded Turbo Ultra Necrozma - Cosmic Eclipse

    I feel like maybe you should test around with a one of Garitina Ex for the mirror just a suggestion though. Also do you think that honchcrow will see play at dallas.
  11. Tytus

    Japan's March Set: 'Rebellion Crash,' Plus Toxtricity V, Charizard VMAX, Grimmsnarl VMAX!

    But if your use Lucario and Melmetal's GX attack then put a metal frying pan on Zamazenta you reduce a bunch of damage for 1 prize.
  12. Tytus

    Galar Partner Tins in February, Feature Rillaboom V, Cinderace V, Inteleon V!

    You know if they were clunky stage 4 v maxes it might encourage the meta to become somewhat diverse compared to the big basic "I don't need to know how to play the deck to win" meta at the moment.
  13. Tytus

    Second Pokemon TCG Illustration Grandprix Announced!

    Imagine living in japan. Must be nice.
  14. Tytus

    Sword & Shield TCG Set

    This is just dumb. Who actually wants a rainbow rare supporter. Most people I know want the color of the full art so it actually looks good. A sad money grab if it already wasn't apparent by TPCI.
  15. Tytus

    'TAG Team - Powers Collection' in March!

    Wow basically $40 not including tax for 4 cards and like 2 useful packs. Half the thing is gonna be XY anyways. Just order them individually like year later for like 5 bucks a piece.
  16. Tytus

    Sword & Shield TCG Set

    Running this with sillvally may not be a bad idea cause you could power the sylvallies up and make it a 1 energy attachment attack.
  17. Tytus

    First Footage of 'Pocket Monsters' Anime!

    I still liked X and Y better. Ash actually looked like he was getting older.