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  1. B

    Favorite TCG Player from Japan of 06-07 season

    RE: Favorite TCG Player from Japan Switched it to Japanese players of 06-07 season... lol Which one? Yano and Yamato all the way!
  2. B

    Favorite TCG Player from Japan of 06-07 season

    Name your favorite TCG player! We can discuss about them, and others, oh, if your fav. isn't up their, just post it!:P
  3. B

    GE card discussion.

    Yea! It's awesome! Someone could just tech 1-0-1 Exploud.:P
  4. B

    GE card discussion.

    Well were to dicuss what might be in it.:P
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    GE card discussion.

    Yea! Though: Battle Fronteir Cessation Crystal :( But Weavile+Darkrai+Blissey... hehehehehe
  6. B

    Pokemon Quick Cool TCG Links you may enjoy.

    I have a few links... Go Pokemon! Pokebeach (rofl) Jason's Winning of Worlds Report! (Thanks for the page PB!) Worlds 2006 Site Worlds 2007 Site Japanese Worlds 2007 Site Enjoy!
  7. B

    Finished Rate the sig & avatar above you.

    A: C-M avvie FTW! 10/10 S: Lucario pwnage! (also i'm a part of team legion so...) Legion FTW! 10/10
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    My dad..

    Happy B-Day LM217's Dad! 40, wow! Hope it's the best one yet!
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    GE card discussion.

    Yea... it's so broken. Sure I don't care! Please:P Yea, 1 turn and you have a fully loaded Sceptile etc. (Play treecko, rare candy, Sceptile, Leafeon X's power, attatch grass, then attatch grass from hand, switch, BOOM!) lol
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    GE card discussion.

    For those who have read the translations which can be found on pokegym, what is your favorite card, hwo would you play some of these awesome cards in decks. For the link go here: (Mods please don't remove, I'm not adveritsing):P Great Encounters Translations Me: Have you seen Pachirisu...
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    Nfl Discussion(Forums and Websitte now up the website is not finished yet)

    RE: nfl discussion I see it this way... Pats and Jags: 31-28 (OT) Jags
  12. B

    Nfl Discussion(Forums and Websitte now up the website is not finished yet)

    RE: nfl discussion The Jags all the way, ya never know what'll happen with them. ;) Titans gunna lose WPMiss, don't deny it.
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    INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! It's Over!!

    RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! ROUND 2 ENDS January 2nd AT 9:00 PM EST. 3rd... not bad.
  14. B

    INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! It's Over!!

    RE: INFERNAPE'S 3rd Spriting Contest!! ROUND 2 ENDS January 2nd AT 9:00 PM EST. Ugh... hurry! Cities today! Wish me luck:P
  15. B

    naruto ultimate heros question

    *sighs* What, the sannin or what?:P
  16. B

    Are you for sure they'll be in the set?

    I don't really care about Lv.X's. :P
  17. B

    Pokemon Announces A New CEO!

    1. No, it's a statement I thought people needed to know... how many people fall for a hook, line, 'n sinker. We need facts and this'll get them? 2. Wow! I fooled Water Pokemon Mistress. XP
  18. B

    Pokemon Announces A New CEO!

    What, you expected to find something here? I just wanted t see how many people actually clicked on it, I don't have some stupid link to something that freaks you out, or makes you jump, or won't close etc. Yup, that's it!:P
  19. B

    Are you for sure they'll be in the set?

    Yes!!!!!!! Can you say "Eeveelutions reborn!" :P
  20. B

    As you see here we have a 100% chance of rain...

    Exactly! You have to figure out what he wants, if not he will rid the whole earth of humans!!!!!!