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    Just came back from Iron Man 2 (possible spoilers)

    A very disappointing movie. Your typical over hyped hollywood sequel. Thanks! Not... Waste of 7.75, and my iTouch got stolen while in theaters. I hate Iron Man 2. :D
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    LOST. Epilogue synopsis posted! Don't read if you're too much of a wimp and don't like spoilers.

    RE: LOST. Lost: A great show! Then JJ Abrams left... 'nuff said
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    Help in Halo

    Gamertag? I'll play a few games and see if I can help
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    Halo 3: 1 v 1 Tournament Set-Up!

    Looking for some 1 v 1 action? Me too! Well here we go, post here with the following criteria: Gamertag: (Or GT) Level: EXP: Rating: (Like this : N00by, n00b, average, semi-pro, pro) Anything else: Example for me: GT: DoubleDown9 Level: 42 EXP: 1500 Rating: Semi-pro Anything else: I only do...
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    Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

    RE: Avatars and art. Read first post. Azelf, Uxie, 3-Pixies Avatar added. I want to use Croagunk, that alright? By the way, amazing work. I still don't know how you do it ;)
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    DPPt/HGSS The Questions and Answers Thread (Closed)

    RE: The D/P/P Questions and Answers Thread I have a few questions. Mostly noobish but i'm just now getting into building competetive teams. 1) What are IV's? And how do you get them and what do they do for the pokemon? 2) When EV training, when do you stop battling pokemons that increase...
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    ~bonsly's shop - Open!

    bonsly's banner shop Rules: 1. No flaming 2. If you don't like the piece I give you, please take it up with me over PM. 3. Only request banners 4. Please use forms 5. Request away! I am starting banners over again. Trying to start again, and I need inspiration. So I would love to...
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    INFERNAPE's 5th Spriting Contest! It's Over!

    RE: INFERNAPE's Reunion (5th) Spriting Contest! >.> Sorry guys I went on a retreat with my church up in the mountanis the WHOLE weekend (Friday-Sunday) then I got back and the past 2 days our computer was screwed up. but I came home today and it's working ;) Oh well, sorry. Good luck to...
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    INFERNAPE's 5th Spriting Contest! It's Over!

    RE: INFERNAPE's Reunion (5th) Spriting Contest! Scores are up! Ugh fire. lol Oh well. Okay, will do. Just glad i'm still in this. I'm a bit rusty these days. These new whipeprsnappers will own me later on :O lol Gratz Pokemaniac!
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    INFERNAPE's 5th Spriting Contest! It's Over!

    RE: INFERNAPE's Reunion (5th) Spriting Contest! Round 3 ends January 19th at 9:00 Pm Est! I didn't know the sprites could be huge like that, I thought it would have to be something like a DP sprite. haha oh well.
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    INFERNAPE's 5th Spriting Contest! It's Over!

    RE: INFERNAPE's Reunion (5th) Spriting Contest! Round 3 ends January 19th at 9:00 Pm Est! Dex Entry: The yellow marks on it's body glow when it digs in the ground. Its tail is a drill, it uses that to make tunnels in the groud. He he digs backwards, tail first, using his yellow marks as a...
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    INFERNAPE's 5th Spriting Contest! It's Over!

    RE: INFERNAPE's Reunion (5th) Spriting Contest! Round 3 ends January 19th at 9:00 Pm Est! What? @ Charizard. 1. You haven't PMed me back 2. You said you would send a draft of your sprite, got none... lol 3. I have had my draft and been updating it slowly. lol Well anyways. Yeah. Should...
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    Avatars and art. Closed. Use new thread.

    RE: New pieces. Avatars and art. First post layout change - re-read the first post! I'd like to see a Croagunk avatar make it's way here. I'd love to useit. And you said in the rules to post something you'd like to see done so there ya go ;) lol
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    INFERNAPE's 5th Spriting Contest! It's Over!

    RE: INFERNAPE's Reunion (5th) Spriting Contest! Scores for round 2 are up! I'm just surprised I didn't get eleminated. lol What's a fakemon??? lol I'm a little rusty
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    INFERNAPE's 5th Spriting Contest! It's Over!

    RE: INFERNAPE's Reunion (5th) Spriting Contest! Round 2 ends Tuesday the 13th at 9:00 Pm Est. [hr] It took me 20 minutes to upload it because my computer was stubborn. lol I scratched everything that's why it looks horrible :/
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    INFERNAPE's 5th Spriting Contest! It's Over!

    RE: INFERNAPE's Reunion (5th) Spriting Contest! Round 2 ends Tuesday the 13th at 9:00 Pm Est. Can I have the kirby sprite please? lol
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    INFERNAPE's 5th Spriting Contest! It's Over!

    RE: INFERNAPE's Reunion (5th) Spriting Contest! Scores are up! OK cool. Thanks ;) I know i'll get eleminated but i'll at least have been in one round haha
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    INFERNAPE's 5th Spriting Contest! It's Over!

    RE: INFERNAPE's Reunion (5th) Spriting Contest! Scores are up! Can I join the second round? And get half of my final points deducted off for that round so it's fair? (I was sorta offline that hour and a half left of the round, lol)
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    INFERNAPE's 5th Spriting Contest! It's Over!

    RE: INFERNAPE's Reunion (5th) Spriting Contest! Round 1 ends Friday at 9:00 Pm Est! Hey. Sorry if I haven't replied to you INFERNAPE. Is it to late for me to join?
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    I touch

    I still need to get that.