Search results

  1. P

    Pinkerton's Trade Thread! H: Shiny Lugia, Lost World W: You Shiny COL!

    @Mewyoshi - Id love to trade for deoxys, just not Lugia right now @Techdeck - Ill get back to you next week, I think they went on a trip @Mlouden - Gengar may be traded, Ill get back to you @Afro - Charizard Secret wonders in mediocre condition, no creases, just some edge wear. I really like Mew...
  2. P

    [W] Donphan Prime!, Luxray X [H] Leafeon X, Gengar X, and more!

    RE: Trades from the Sixth Dimension! *US* (H) PRIMES, LV.Xs, PLAYABLES Cml for entei/raikou bottom
  3. P

    H: Staff Gabite Darkrai EX, RH Collector/DualBalls W: All Cilans, BW Promos, Shinies!

    RE: H: RH 'Plumes, Lost World! W: Shaymin UL, Pachirisu and Smeargle CL, RH Energy CL! Cml for mew prime
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    RE: ~*~ThirdEye's SUPER TRADE THREAD~*~ skipped, cml for your kgl piece
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    RE: ~*~ThirdEye's SUPER TRADE THREAD~*~ cml for your KGL piece
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    Pinkerton's Trade Thread! H: Shiny Lugia, Lost World W: You Shiny COL!

    RE: Pinkerton's Trade Thread! Will trade my Gengar Prime for your * Pokemon! Another Update!
  7. P

    ~~ Grizzly

    RE: Grizzly Great trader, +1!
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    Great trader, +1!
  9. P

    Pinkerton's Trade Thread! H: Shiny Lugia, Lost World W: You Shiny COL!

    RE: Pinkerton's Trade Thread! Will trade my Gengar Prime for your * Pokemon! Gengar prime might be traded already, I'm waiting on a response
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    Zeno503 Trade Thread - Looking for DCE's,

    RE: Zeno503 Trade Thread - Few Primes and Lv X's cml for machamp prime and pdl
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    RE: mr.619's thread. Need quite a bit of stuff! cml for x1 KGL Full
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    H:NOBLE VICTORY'S(FA's)!! Victory Medals, swag! W: Minecraft Gift Code!

    RE: Totally updated everything!!! (Mostly Done) cml for lugia ex
  13. P

    Pinkerton's Trade Thread! H: Shiny Lugia, Lost World W: You Shiny COL!

    RE: Pinkerton's Trade Thread! Will trade my Gengar Prime for your * Pokemon! I have a blaziken FB with some wear on the edges (no creases, still fully playable) and both a pack and promo rayquaza x
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    Pinkerton's Trade Thread! H: Shiny Lugia, Lost World W: You Shiny COL!

    RE: Pinkerton's Trade Thread! Will trade my Gengar Prime for your * Pokemon! bummp
  15. P

    OMG I has cards for trade! Updated 3/11 H: Stuff W: Deck stuff

    RE: OMG I has cards for trade! H: Celebi * and Some stuff... W: BW Cards and Legends cml for celebi*
  16. P

    [H]: JPN Plasma Gale. Dragon's Exalted FA's, Older EX cards [W]: Look.

    RE: [H]: JPN Black and White Collection, L3, Leafeon X, Older EX cards [W]: Look. Cml for leafeon x
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    Pinkerton's Trade Thread! H: Shiny Lugia, Lost World W: You Shiny COL!

    RE: Pinkerton's Trade Thread! Updated with HGSS Collection pulls! Upppdate
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    xSHOGUNx's Trade Center!

    Cml for azelf and mesprit x
  19. P

    Pinkerton's Trade Thread! H: Shiny Lugia, Lost World W: You Shiny COL!

    RE: Pinkerton's Trade Thread! New: Blaziken [FB] Lv X! Update!