Search results

  1. P

    HAVE: XY / Legends / EX --- WANT: Arcues, HGSS, UL set / japanese NEO cards

    RE: HAVE: BlackNWhite/ PRIME --- WANT: Arcues, HGSS, UL set / japanese NEO cards I didn't offer a prime I offered genera x
  2. P

    Skymin's Trade thread [H] Some EX's and primes [W] A few things

    RE: SotH's Trade thread (H) Mew Prime, Uxie lv.X (W) Your Portable Whales!!! My absol G, Absol G Lvx for your mew prime
  3. P

    H: B&W, SV X's, Uxie, Regice, T-Tar Prime and others, W: X's, Mew Prime

    RE: Bump Update 01/27! Come see what I have to offer! Cml for supreme victors secret articuno, and your sh milotic, yanma, relincanth, swablu, vulpix
  4. P

    Pinkerton's Trade Thread! H: Shiny Lugia, Lost World W: You Shiny COL!

    RE: Pinkerton's Trade Thread! New: Blaziken [FB] Lv X! I like all your legends, mew prime and rhyperior x (pack)
  5. P

    Pinkerton's Trade Thread! H: Shiny Lugia, Lost World W: You Shiny COL!

    RE: Pinkerton's Trade Thread! New: Blaziken [FB] Lv X! Huge Update!
  6. P

    I pulled something cool from a booster pack!

    RE: The "I pulled something cool" topic. @ludicolo - your not telling the truth; primes come in the reverse spot, so you couldn't have gotten the houndour. Nice try
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    BlisseyRocks Trading Thread!!!

    My absol g lvx, your lost world
  8. P

    Pinkerton's Trade Thread! H: Shiny Lugia, Lost World W: You Shiny COL!

    RE: Pinkerton's Trade Thread! Offering my Supreme Victors box! New: BTS! Bump it up
  9. P

    Lock Please.

    RE: VidFox's Cafe of Trade V.1.1 - Stars(*) | Crystal | Shining Open to all Offers! Cml for lotad, relincanth and shinx shiny, and the rr pikachu
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    The Pokedad Family Trade Thread - all level X's going cheap

    RE: The Pokedad Family Trade Thread - updated with gengar x Cml for azelf x
  11. P

    H: LV X legend prime crystal toys more Need:PAGES col energy/shiny and more

    RE: LV X EX CoL crystal plush undaunted toys anime more Need:PAGES and more Ahha nooo way. Those cards will be worth about 1-2 dollars a piece in about a month, so whatever.
  12. P

    H: LV X legend prime crystal toys more Need:PAGES col energy/shiny and more

    RE: LV X EX CoL crystal plush undaunted toys anime more Need:PAGES and more Nope thats why I want some. I would maybe trade for a low value prime or x if your interested
  13. P

    H: LV X legend prime crystal toys more Need:PAGES col energy/shiny and more

    RE: LV X EX CoL crystal plush undaunted toys anime more Need:PAGES and more cml for rev ho-oh and palkia COL
  14. P

    ~~HS//B&W Trade Center~~H: BLACK AND WHITE!! L@@K

    RE: ~~HS Trade Center~~ Call of LEGENDS is IN !! cml for flygon x, deoxys and kyogerl COL
  15. P

    ^-^H x2 Mewtwo EX FA & Full set of ND! W x4 FA Terra's & RH Terra (The Deck) stuff^-^

    RE: Techdecks Trades. I need Mew Prime! oh that was your wants, sorry haha
  16. P

    ^-^H x2 Mewtwo EX FA & Full set of ND! W x4 FA Terra's & RH Terra (The Deck) stuff^-^

    RE: Techdecks Trades. I need Mew Prime! Cml for one each of your boosters
  17. P

    HAVE: XY / Legends / EX --- WANT: Arcues, HGSS, UL set / japanese NEO cards

    RE: HAVE: BlackNWhite/ PRIME --- WANT: Arcues, HGSS, UL set / japanese NEO cards My gengar x for your full kgl legend English?
  18. P

    Trades [USA-WW] xPOKEFREAK72x W: LEGENDS, H: Lots

    RE: (-o-) xPOKEFREAK72x (-o-) UPDATED WITH CALL OF LEGENDS! I have nothing from col, that's why I'm after them
  19. P

    Ask for pretty much everything. List isnt Updated.

    RE: Javiers Trade Corner H:TRIUMPHANT PRIMES,XS,LEGENDS,MORE W:Worlds Stuff,Mew Prime,Gengar Prime,More Cml for your secret rare rotoms, Tyranitar prime, and azelf x
  20. P

    Ra2terra's Trade Corner, Have LOTS!!!!!

    RE: Looking to Become a Verified Seller [H]:Absol, Magnezone Prime, GCX I could throw in a rescue energy or something, but it's a pretty fair trade