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  1. Hellcat

    TPCi’s Pokemon Centers Release New TCG Accessories Featuring Snorlax, Goomy, Squirtle, Greninja, and More!

    oh man, there’s so many good things coming out! except the cinema stuff. that entire line flopped hard in japan, i don’t know why they’re still pushing it. i get its pretty much the same exact images but come on…
  2. Hellcat

    Creatures Warns Pokemon TCG Players to Behave Respectfully Online

    You can't go from being new to being amazing at the game overnight, that's just not how it works. Veteran players need to understand that new players are still learning, criticizing them for being new is just ridiculous. Instead of being toxic and mean, why not help out the newer players, teach...
  3. Hellcat

    New ACE SPEC, Pokevital A, Revealed from “Night Wanderer!”

    are there any ways or loopholes to bypass the permagraveyard rule? i know lost zone stuff is getting phased out but would this somehow work to be reused? just me overthinking it lol
  4. Hellcat

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    Where's the 1st edition symbol on the SuMo cards? With the new card format, everything seems so weird to me. it's gonna take a while to get used to it haha. I'm glad there's a new Porygon-Z card, it's one of my favorite pokemon! I don't really see it as being a decent playable card, but it...
  5. Hellcat

    News 'Entei, Suicune, Raikou Pin Blisters' Product Image!

    lol @ 'dogs'. I'm so excited for these to come out. Now I can finally put a Raikou pin on my work jacket. I'm not overly excited for the pack selection, but whatever.
  6. Hellcat

    News Strengthening Expansion Pack, Best of XY Pack, and Ash VS Team Rocket Deck!

    Oh man, I am gonna go broke trying to wrangle those gorgeous URs. The art is absolutely perfect. Look at that Shaymin!! Never expected the little leaf dog to look so badass haha.
  7. Hellcat

    News Meganium, Typhlosion, and Feraligatr Reprints in New 2-Pack Blister!

    I might have to grab one of these. I'm such a sucker for gen 2 starters, especially Typhlosion. They'll look good in my collection haha.
  8. Hellcat

    News 'Pokémon GO' Easter Event Starts Today!

    I used to get loads of 2km eggs. Now for every 10km/2km egg I get, I get 6 5km eggs. It's really annoying. I wish they would have cut the hatch distance in half or even by a quarter for the event. But hey, I'm still cool with the double exp!
  9. Hellcat

    News 'Legacy Pin Collection' and Entei/Suicune/Raikou Pin Blisters in May!

    Eww. Nothing overly spectacular to see here. I'll just wind up buying the pin separately, maybe the Crobaf card for my collection since it's one of my favorite cards. The rest just isn't worth the cost.
  10. Hellcat

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    Gosh, that card is as gorgeous as it is playable. I will definitely make a deck with this beautiful Arcanine!
  11. Hellcat

    'Pokemon Super Premium Collection: Mew and Mewtwo' in October!

    I can't wait to get my hands on this set!! Everything just looks so amazing! Are these card boxes the same size are regular ETBs? They look like they might be a bit longer.
  12. Hellcat

    2017 Format Rotation Announced!

    Honestly, the only cards I'm going to miss are Manectric/mega, megaphone, and AZ. I am so sick of expanded being every single BW set. It's just getting out of hand. I feel like they should have cut out everything from Dragons Exalted and before. Here's to another year of myself not getting...
  13. Hellcat

    Returning Player: Staples and Steam Siege Tournament Legality

    So, I've been kinda slacking in the TCG lately... I've just been too busy to get around to tournaments and leagues. Though, I have still been buying some of the new stuff that's come out. I have a couple of deck ideas for this new Steam Siege set but when is it actually tournament legal? I...
  14. Hellcat

    'Steam Siege' 3-Pack Blisters to Feature Rayquaza and Azelf!

    I can't wait to get that awesome Rayquaza promo!! When is this new set going to be tournament legal? I forgot how all these confounded new rules work. I've been slacking in the TCG lately...
  15. Hellcat

    'Pokemon Super Premium Collection: Mew and Mewtwo' in October!

    Ohhh, I need this set!! I'm so glad that I kept all of my Mew EXs, too. I wonder if those boxes are going to be the size of standard ETBs? Or if they'll be bigger/smaller. Either way, I'll definitely be getting this set.
  16. Hellcat

    Zygarde-EX Box / Collection in June!

    Ugh, another figure box. :/ All I really want is the jumbo card lol
  17. Hellcat

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    I am laughing so hard right now. That second attack is the greatest thing ever. Anyway! It seems alright, I'm not sure it's attack is all that great. Even if blacksmith and protection cube were to rotate out, it's just not that good.
  18. Hellcat

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Oh gosh, the new Pyroar art is so gorgeous!! I don't even care what it does, I want 18 of them!!
  19. Hellcat

    News Mythical Pokemon Collections

    Looks like I need to start combing places for a Manapht plush. Is the plush going to be exclusive to just TRU? Or will Gamestop be getting any of them?
  20. Hellcat

    News 'Rayquaza vs. Keldeo Battle Arena Deck' in September!

    Ugh, more Rayquaza? I'm kinda getting sick of seeing so much Rayquaza lately, especially in the tcg. I won't lie, it is a good card, but they can only print so many before I just feel like it's getting a little out of hand. I still haven't gotten the Mewtwo/Darkrai battle deck haha I wonder if...