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  1. Hellcat

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    I'm so mad that Karen will be out after Night March will rotate. :/ Why even bother printing it? Though, the Salamence on the other hand, that's actually pretty good considering there's a lot of support for fire energy right now.
  2. Hellcat

    Where to Get UK Jumbo Cards in US?

    I am growing more and more jealous of the European release of the box collections. They get awesome jumbo cards and the US gets figures. I only have so much room for figures before I just want to throw them at someone. Jumbo cards on the other hand, I have a nice binder for mine. That's where...
  3. Hellcat

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Now this... This is interesting. Say you start off with Talonflame and a bunch of useless cards right off, can you count that as a mulligan since Talonflame isn't a basic? Do you have to use the effect, or is it optional? I'd definitely going to give this a try. It seems like it could be...
  4. Hellcat

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Hmmm, I definitely see this being used in my fairy deck. It definitely has a lot of potential. Really digging this card.
  5. Hellcat

    Interesting 'Mythical Pokemon Collection: Mew Box' in February...

    Ughhh... Any Europeans wanna help me get some of those glorious jumbo cards? I'm just not a fan of the figures. it doesn't help that I have a small apartment t, either haha I'm in love with the art, it's so goooood
  6. Hellcat

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Ugh, that ability is epic. I'm definitely going to be dropping a pair of Volcanion in my Houndoom deck. Really hoping M Garde is psy/fairy now. I'm glad they're bringing back dual types, they were fun! I can't wait to see what the rest of the set has.
  7. Hellcat

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Please bring back dual types, they were great! Deltas were awesome, too. I'm really curious to see how Volcanion will typed and what it's weakness/resistance will be.
  8. Hellcat

    News Mythical Pokemon Collections

    I wonder if it's going to be more expensive than the other ETBs. Regardless, I'll be getting at least one. If the sleeves and the box look good, I'll probably grab another 2 or 3. I love the ETB boxes, they're great for storing cards and such! That Shaymin's ability is decent enough, I'm just...
  9. Hellcat

    'Sky Guardian' and 'Battle Ruler' Theme Deck Images, Lists!

    I see a bunch of folks mentioning the Lugia deck name being a little off and I really have to agree. but then I noticed Moltres was in the deck as well! Maybe it's a 2 part title meaning Moltres is the sky, Lugia is the guardian. I don't know lol But I gotta get that deck. I'm in love with...
  10. Hellcat

    'Solgaleo' and 'Lunaala,' Sun and Moon's Legendary Pokemon?

    Oh man, please let there be a lion legendary! Those names are actually pretty neat!
  11. Hellcat

    Talonflame BREAK, Captivating Pokepuff Promos!

    Uh... since when did Mega Doom turn into a weak bird? a stage 4 bird, at that. No, thanks. I'll pass and keep my pretty Doomy deck. I can't say that it doesn't look pretty nice, tho. Poke puff for Shaymin EX sans effect, lysandre/escape rope, KO that thing. B) other than that, I'm not sure...
  12. Hellcat

    New 'Premium Champion' Set, Blastoise Mega Battle Special Pack!

    I love the way the Kangaskhan looks!! That mirror foil looks great on EXs. I can't wait to order some of these packs or boxes. Anyone know how many packs would be in a standard booster box? I think it wouldn't be 20 considering that there's 10 cards in a pack.
  13. Hellcat

    Gastly and Pansear 'Fates Collide' One-Pack Blister Promos

    Aaaahahaha bye bye toad. I never want to see you again. I'm not too keen on this new prerelease promo format thing. Four promos instead of just one? It just doesn't seem right to me. lol look at Marowak gettin his dance on
  14. Hellcat

    Pokemon 13,000-Card Pikachu Mosaic Sets World Record

    woah, that's crazy! that's a ridiculous amount of electric energy lmao its neat how he flipped the cards to make the big letters legible. anyone know how long it took him to make this gargantuan pikamonster?
  15. Hellcat

    Target's Pokemon Sale Begins Today, 'Pokemon Day' Next Saturday

    I can't wait!! I'm really hoping I can get at least 2 of them. I might have to find another Target and get 2 more. I need a play set of these glorious Karps.
  16. Hellcat

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    It's a shame that Kingdra can't work off of DDE. That would have worked out so well. But like folks have said, Magnezone is a viable option. Mega Manectric and max elixir could probably work well, too. I just don't see it setting up as quickly as one would hope. Regardless, it's an awesome...
  17. Hellcat

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    kekeke poopootar. I'm not too sure I'd use that Tyranitar. It's attack is way too energy heavy for the damage it does. Even then, that ability just isn't worth the risk. Carbink on the other hand... I'm excited to see safeguard come back!! I always ran at least 1 safeguard pokemon in most of...
  18. Hellcat

    Interesting 'Mythical Pokemon Collection: Mew Box' in February...

    Again with the figures instead of jumbo cards. T-T Honestly, there needs to be an easier way for folks to obtain either the figure or the jumbo if it's not available in their country. Other than that, I really love the art on these new goodies, especially Pikachu and Charizard. I love what...
  19. Hellcat

    Target's 'Pokemon Day' Details, Shiny Magikarp Promo Giveaway!

    Want. Most definitely want. Will obtain. B)
  20. Hellcat

    XY143 Shiny Magikarp Promo

    I just really wish that the US would get the UK exclusive jumbo cards. I really love the jumbos and I've got a small collection of them but I really wish I had a consistent way to obtain then. So far I've just been using eBay but it's really hit or miss. Anyone care to hook me up? :P I'm dying...