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  1. Hellcat

    Toys R Us 'Pokemon Day' Only for Kids

    This is totally going to suck if I can't get those awesome cards. :/ I'll definitely I've it a try and if I fail, I'll cry in the store and tell them i'm just a big child lmao I really hate how TRU thinks it's only kids that like Pokemon. B(
  2. Hellcat

    'BREAKpoint,' February's English Set!

    This entire set seems so good. I just home I can build a deck around Espeon and maybe a deck with Raticate
  3. Hellcat

    Giovanni's Scheme Winter Regionals Promo!

    I love the art, it's just the effect that kinda sucks. :/
  4. Hellcat

    'Pokekyun Collection' Mini-Set Coming January!

    Ugh, I'm in love with that new M Garde card. I can't get over how gorgeous it is. Pry of me is glad that is has the same attack (simply so I can run them in my deck) but another part of me wishes it had a different attack. Either way, I can't complain at all. The card is amazing. So, are these...
  5. Hellcat

    'Shiny Mega Gyarados Box' in February!

    Looks like I'm gonna be rounding up my parents to make a trip to TRU so I can get a couple extra cards lol I'm really surprised they're going to just give them out for FREE. I mean, there's not a whole lot that's free anymore, there's always a catch. That box looks pretty sweet though! I'm a...
  6. Hellcat

    Interesting 'Mythical Pokemon Collection: Mew Box' in February...

    I'm totally going to collect sealed boxes of these new 20th anniversary boxes. They're so gorgeous. I'll get one to open, and one to keep. At $12.99 a box, it's really not that bad. I'm still super curious about the contents of those mysterious generations picks.
  7. Hellcat

    Japan's XY10 Set: 'Awakening of Psychic Kings,' Alakazam!

    Helloooooo beautiful! Oh, I can not wait to get my hands on a couple copies of this amazing card. I see a lot of devastating potential with End Game. 70 damage isn't all that bad considering all the ways out there to throw damage around. I can see Ariados being a good card with this Umbreon...
  8. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    That Luxray pack art looks really awesome! I'm really excited for this new set.
  9. Hellcat

    New Poncho-Clad Pikachu Boxes, Sleeves; Mega Evolution Distribution

    Wow, Sunyshore is making a killing. Charging $40 for something that would cost them under $25. Sure, I understand that it's sort of like a proxy service, but wow that's an insane price markup. I'll just wait until they hit eBay. I'm really eyeing that PikaZard X. I'm hoping I can find just the...
  10. Hellcat

    Spring 2016 Tins!

    Machamp? Really?
  11. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Pretty much :/ They look too similar but the art is pretty awesome looking.
  12. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    I'm really loving what they're doing with the secret rares in the past two sets. Also, Darkrai Yveltal is definitely going to be a thing again.
  13. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Yesssss. I can definitely see 2-3 of these being used in any deck. It's got some amazing potential to grab stuff out of the discard that one would need in a pinch. This set looks promising!
  14. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Seriously hoping there's going to be an Umbreon EX that's facing the opposite direction. I do see how this could be a decent tech card in psychic decks. Megaphone away any spirit links and then devolve the active mega. Seems like it could work well with the right cards.
  15. Hellcat

    New 'Break Evolution Box' in January!

    Wow, it's actually pretty good! I really like the idea of a Vileplume/Noctowl deck. A fun deck to really mess with people. I'm still not overly fond of the gold pokemon. I don't know, it just seems kinda lame for all the Break pokemon to be all the same color. I wish they would have kept them...
  16. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    I really love the artwork!! I had a feeling that it was gonna be a steel type, too. The attacks aren't anything great. I'm really hoping that the mega is playable.
  17. Hellcat

    'Mega Mewtwo Collections' Now in Stores, XY100/101 Mewtwo Promos

    Ehh, they're neat and all but TRU is expensive compared to Walmart and Target. I'm hoping I can find at least the Mewtwo X figure for a decent price online. If not, I may just cave and buy the box. I'm not a big fan of Mewtwo Y's design...
  18. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Yay, another Sigilyph!! My crazed birdy love gets a cool lookin' card. I feel like that first attack could be great for both early and late game play. Sacrifice one prize card to tack on a couple more energy to a pokemon that could win the game. Sounds good in my head right now. I was half...
  19. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    I always thought Slowbro was a little ridiculous (in a good way) to begin with... but this attack just takes the cake.
  20. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Wow, it's actually not bad with its heal ability. Though, I do think the DRX Ho-oh is better in terms of attack. I really love the new art!