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  1. Hellcat

    'BREAKpoint,' February's English Set!

    Yay Luxray!! I'm glad Luxray is getting some love. It's really an under appreciated pokemon.
  2. Hellcat

    City Championship Playmats!

    Any idea if a Mega Houndoom playmat will be available? I'm willing to give my left arm for one. Maybe a kidney, too.
  3. Hellcat

    RBY 'Pokemon Red,' 'Blue,' 'Yellow' to be Released on 3DS Virtual Console!

    My first game was red and that's definitely what I'll be getting first. I still have my yellow and blue cartridges. I might just plunge and grab all 3. I loved playing those games so much, I still do. I really don't think $10 is all that bad. Though, I'm used to getting games on PS3/PS4 for...
  4. Hellcat

    Pokemon Pokemon Center Shiny Diancie Event, Pikachu Mega Evolution Plushes and Promo

    Oh man! These are awesome! I really hope they're not going to be ridiculously expensive... I'd love to get my hands on the Pikabro and Pikazard X. They're super freakin' cute! AND ANOTHER PIKA CARD?! I'm gonna be broke but at least I'll have lots of pokeswag.
  5. Hellcat

    Pokemon Build Pikachu at Build-a-Bear Workshop Early Next Year!

    I'm an adult, I swear. i want it and i want it now.
  6. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Same here! Though, I think Ninetales would be a great starter with that draw power. Pair it with fiery torch, scorched earth, and blacksmith and there's some crazy drawing right there.
  7. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Wow... None of these new EXs really stand out to me as great cards. Ninetales seems to be the best out of them. Just attach that new special fire energy (that I can't remember the name of) and you won't even have to worry about discarding. Meowstic's ability is great but it just completely sucks...
  8. Hellcat

    Interesting 'Mythical Pokemon Collection: Mew Box' in February...

    Whatever it may be, it really has my attention. I can't wait to get more details on this box. *w*
  9. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    manaphy water u doing. /shot. But rly, why did Manaphy get an EX? There are plenty of other great pokemon that could have gotten an EX but noooo. Gotta throw the lame water baby in to make folks mad. It really doesn't even seem that good. I mean, sure retreating is great but switches are...
  10. Hellcat

    Potential BREAK Pokemon in Upcoming Sets!

    I'm mildly biased toward fire types so I'm definitely gonna say Typhlosion. But playability wise, Crobat. I can see some mean poisoning happening with a Crobat Break. Maybe even multiple status effects like the laser.
  11. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    yes pls. I run 3 Entei in my Houndoom deck. If it wasn't already hitting nicely, this will make everything perfect.
  12. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Yesssss! I've been playing a fairy deck since XY1 and I've pretty much maxed out acceleration. I'm stoked to see another good card to add to my deck.
  13. Hellcat

    Target Black Friday Sale: All Pokemon TCG Tins 50% Off

    Hmm, hopefully I can sneak away from the god awful family gathering and raid the Target nearby. I've been meaning to get the 3 new tins but I just never got around to it. I wonder if the boxes will be on sale, too.
  14. Hellcat

    'BREAKthrough' Blister Pack Promos

    Went to league last night and the comic shop owner just randomly gave me and 6 other folks one of each of the 3-pack blister promos. How on earth did he get so many loose blister promos? I know for fact the shop doesn't open the 3-packs, only boosters. Either way, I was pretty stoked. Now, if...
  15. Hellcat

    Japan's XY9 Set: 'Rage of the Broken Sky,' New 'Battle Strengthening Sets'

    Angry lobster is angry... And not all that great. I know I'd probably never use it. Just another good looking card to add to my collection.
  16. Hellcat

    'Legendary Collection Box' in November

    All I could think of was a Pepsi guy stocking the pokemon shelves lmao A friend of mine works at Target in the back/stock room and he's constantly finding and teasing me with pictures of all new Pokemon stuff way ahead of time. But it does make a lot of sense, if the actual distributor employee...
  17. Hellcat

    'BREAKthrough Collector’s Chest Tin' Also Out Early!

    Definitely gonna have to pick up a couple of these. My coworkers are forever stealing my notepads and pencils but ever since the last tin came out, I never had a problem. XD I just give the extra tins to my nephews, they love them to keep their cards in. I really hope they continue making tins...
  18. Hellcat

    'Legendary Collection Box' in November

    I'm still mad that these two boxes didn't get their own mini set. :/ They just got promo'd and that's that. Kinda sucks to see how Japan gets all the cool mini sets and we get nothing nearly as awesome in comparison. Ehh, that's why I'll stick to collecting Japanese more than the English ones...
  19. Hellcat

    Exclusive Zoroark Pin Blister at Gamestop!

    Waaaaaaant. Sadly, the Gamestops near me usually don't get the pokemon exculsives til way late. I love me some Zoroark.