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  1. Hellcat

    Pokemon Toys and Cards in McDonald's Happy Meals in November

    I totally called it. I knew it was going to happen! As soon as the Hoopa distribution at Mcd's was announced, I knew there was going to be a new wave of Pokemon things with happy meals. Time to get my inner child out.
  2. Hellcat

    Hoopa Distribution in the U.S. at McDonalds!

    well, that's something i thought i'd never see; a pokemon distribution at mcdonalds. maybe it's a hint to a new line of pokemon goodies coming to mcdonald's in the near future? i sure hope so. either way, i'll be taking all 4 of my games and getting hoopa. mcd's, here i come!
  3. Hellcat

    'Mega Mewtwo Box' in November

    Ugh, I know how you feel. x_x I found the Xerneas and Yveltal on ebay and bought them up. I haven't seen them since. The Zards are far and few between and tend to be extremely overpriced. :/ Why can't the US boxes come with both the jumbo and the figure? What's so difficult about that?
  4. Hellcat

    Pokemon Build Pikachu at Build-a-Bear Workshop Early Next Year!

    I don't even care that I'm a 20-something year old 'adult'. I need to go to BAB and get me a Pikachu. This is going to happen. If I'm really feeling motivated, I might even make a Magikarp hoodie for my Pika.
  5. Hellcat

    'Battle Arena Decks: Mewtwo vs. Darkrai' Contents and Photos!

    I'm definitely gonna have to grab one, maybe two, of these. The trainers alone are worth it. Bats are easy enough to trade off considering how high the price has gotten lately. I'm glad they're continuing doing the holo energies, I absolutely love them.
  6. Hellcat

    Aurorus-EX, Marowak, Energy Reset Gym Challenge Promos!

    I can see Marowak being a benchsitter in the near future. I am so sick of toads, I can deal with Giratina and what not. I just want to punch that toad in the face. B( Also, why does Aurorus kinda suck. It's depressing.
  7. Hellcat

    XY8 \'BREAKthrough,\' XY8 English Products

    I'll be hitting Walmart when I get out of work. Hopefully, they'll have at least one of the new mega collections. I still gotta get my hands on the new tins, too. I can't wait to see what all is in this new set.
  8. Hellcat

    What Happens to Lysandre's Trump Card After it Was Banned?

    If I can get away with using an older style card, I most definitely will. A good example of this is switch. It was printed in the base set and I still see a lot of people using the original base set version in place of the most current version. Pokeball is no exception, it's printed with the...
  9. Hellcat

    New Empoleon BREAK, Pikachu, and Mewtwo Promos!

    I definitely have to agree with you there. What were they trying to do with that wonky perspective?
  10. Hellcat

    Cards to Hoard/Preorder Hard for XY8

    I've got my eye on Magnezone and Raikou. I'm hoping to pull/trade some at the pre-release. If not the pre-realse, then there's gotta be at least 1 or 2 in a booster box, yeah? If all else fails, then I'll buy some singles. I will get them one way or another.
  11. Hellcat

    What Happens to Lysandre's Trump Card After it Was Banned?

    I always ran at least 2 trump cards in my deck, it never hurt in the least. Plus, night march was extremely popular at my league at the time. Now that they're banned, I just collect the full arts. Sure, I've got a couple reverse holo just for kicks. But I'll definitely trade for them fancy full...
  12. Hellcat

    'Legendary Collection Box' in November

    I'm so upset that they didn't include the rest of the cards in the set into like 5-cards boosters or something. :/ I was really getting my hopes up. Either way, I'll be getting both boxes. I might pick up the tin, too. They're great for dragging my 3DSes along nicely with me.
  13. Hellcat

    2015 World Champion Deck Product Images!

    Eww, what is with those horrifying names? I'm pretty much only in it for the pin. Like other folks said, they do make proxying easier and I have one toad. Anyone got deck lists for these decks?
  14. Hellcat

    'BREAK Starter Pack' and Classic Pokemon Back Card Sleeves in February!

    I have a mighty need for those sleeves.
  15. Hellcat

    August Professor Rewards Now Shipping!

    That playmat is pretty awesome. Would I ever use it? Probably not, I'd just hang it up. Though, I will have to get my hands one some of those Sycamore promos. I'm a sucker for the cross hatch holo pattern.
  16. Hellcat

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    Not sure if it would ever see real play... But at least the art is well done unlike the last couple of Lapras cards.
  17. Hellcat

    XY8 \'BREAKthrough,\' XY8 English Products

    I just wanna buy all of the things... I can't wait for the new tins, tho. I just hope Latios has a different move set from the other card.
  18. Hellcat

    Ancient Trait Sableye Promo in 'CoroCoro Ichiban'

    Please bring back something like junk hunt, please please please.
  19. Hellcat

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    ... Still no M Houndoom. Ugh, this is getting depressing. :/ like we need another Kyurem or Lugia EX, there's already enough of those. Move on to more important things, like y'know, Houndoom and Suicune EXs. Okay, but really, I hope they keep the terrifying artwork of unbound Hoopa because...