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  1. N

    BW/BW2 The Battle Now! Thread

    Thanks for the help! :D I guess I'll be looking for a single battle then. FC: 2062 8960 5962
  2. N

    BW/BW2 The Battle Now! Thread

    Alright, I think I get it, but I'm not sure XD. So, if I were to go to the Wi-Fi club, set up an invite for a Single Lv.100 match, that would work? I'm sorry if I sound stupid asking more x__X.
  3. N

    BW/BW2 The Battle Now! Thread

    I'm going to be asking a bit of a n00bish question here I'm sure, but I'm looking for a battle, but I see for the "standard battle" it's 'Auto Level 100'. I've never battled over Wi-Fi before, and my main team is all above 50, but non at 100. Could someone please explain the exact meaning of...
  4. N

    prerelease combos

    Electrode (Poke-body Radiance) and Magneton the whole way. Drifblim and Luxury ball for a perfect set-up. Miltank for a nice way of healing and extra card draw. Cherrim as a back-up attacker and healing. Cyclone energy to get your opponents basics sat on the bench doing nothing out to be...
  5. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    Oh really? When you buy single boosters without packaging, that's where they're from ^_^. Good luck on getting the shiny Drifloon to PrincePJ!
  6. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    A box is a Booster Box. 36 packs of boosters.
  7. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    The set comes out on the 5th of November. And boxes range.. Well.. Actually XD I can't tell you correctly! I'm in the UK, so boxes are quite expensive.. But aren't easily grabbed hold of. You're better off looking around google for the answer to your question, and asking in collecters/gaming...
  8. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    I have the shiny Voltorb, but I don't know if anyone else got any shinies at my PR. Nobody mentioned any anyway, and everyone was surprised to see mine. You'd probably have to buy a box to be honest.. Just to be sure and have the best luck. But even then, you might end up with a different shiny...
  9. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    No worries :) The people at the league will most likely be friendly and help you out and not leave you out of anything. You'll be okay! ^_^ The DP - GE sets are probably going to be cycled out (though I'm not sure if it'll be more/less sets). Although not too soon. They will be. And the...
  10. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    At PR's, you go in, register about an hour or so before and pay your money. Then when the timing to start is called, you find a spot and sit down! Haha. You'll be given 6 Booster packs. Then you have 30 minutes to open them, organise your cards and make a 40 card deck from them! Energy cards are...
  11. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    You get less boosters than in a PR though. And you have to pay extra anyway... I guess it seems better in a way! But Limited is more fun.. Lots more surprises :D
  12. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    How so? o.O The PR I went to (and others before). You get the 6 boosters you pay for to play with, and then everyone gets 2 boosters as prize support. Last PR the winners got extra.. But not this time round.. Which made me sad XD.. J/k... that's greedy!! But how do you get more boosters from a...
  13. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    It's better than nothing! Though I agree with you when compared to the japanese... They're still nice as collecters itms and for the look.. While still being randomly playable and understandable to others who don't know Japanese.
  14. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    :O... .. What a lucky guy! >_< Really really luck! Especially to get cards like that and still have enough good cards to make a good deck >_<.. VERY LUCKY! Unlucky for you though. Maybe next time? :) And no, as far as I'm aware, this isn't/won't be/it hasn't been announced that there will ever...
  15. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    Youch! I feel for you too! Yeh Machamp and Dusknoir are cool :P.. Dusknoir's the rarest to get out of all the LvX's! (At least it seemed that way at my local. We had 2 of every LvX except Dusknoir). I'd say the Char line are just as rare as LvX's though. Nothing too special! Tyrannitar :)...
  16. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    I feel for you man! I wish you could somehow go to one. It sucks living far away from things like that : /
  17. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    Hmm, tips? Get a good night's sleep! And then the usual! Try not to play too many energy types, play all the trainers you have (that are worthwhile), make sure you have a fair amount of basics to keep your bench stocked, but don't have TOO many pokemon. If you have too many, you end up not...
  18. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    RE: (1) 101 Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24] I just missed out on a Raichu X trade.. Drat! I have to wait until next week now. Oh well! I won the pre-release though. 6-0 (Including top cut). I'm impressed! That's the best I've ever done. I had an Electrode/Magneton/Cherrim deck with a...
  19. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    RE: (1) 101 Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24] I'm extremely excited for the pre-releases tomorrow! I'm sorry to all of those that can't go :( Anyway, off to bed with me! Otherwise I'll start playing Energy cards as basics in a tired stupor! Have fun to everyone that can go!
  20. N

    (1) ALL Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/24]

    RE: (1) 95+ Stormfront Scans, Set List [10/20-10/22] Yup candies are in pop8, along with, I think, roseannes. I think...