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  1. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 Pokemon can follow you!

    It's kind of annoying, but strangely, I don't know why...
  2. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 Munna = Drowzee pre-evo

    THANK YOU! And I hope Mun'na is more than a pre evo, because I have such high hopes for it! I hope it doesn't evolve, but still has high enough stats (like Lapras/Rotom) because it's so quirky, I'd love it to feature on my team. Considering it's design could be 15 years old maybe Nintendo wanted...
  3. Tangrowth

    (1) June CoroCoro Scans Leaked - New Pokemon [6/11]

    I LOVE SHIMAMA AND MUN'NA!!! And Reshiram's sprite is amazing!!! YAY! No more legendaries with Pressure as an ability! (That was the only reason I liked Groudon/Kyogre) But can you get Zorua ONLY by having the event Celebi?? :(
  4. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 Mijumaru's evolution?

    I hope to God this is a fake! It's awful! It's nose really throws it off.
  5. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 What will Zekrom/Reshiram's second type be?

    Please no more Dragon/Flying!
  6. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 Light-Type, Why or Why Not?

    I'm kind of changing my mind now because a lot of people are making a very strong case for the light type. I think it could work. I don't think it'll happen though, and I don't think Reshiram is Light type.
  7. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 New Evolutions or Babies For Former Pokemon

    Oh yeah, I forgot! He definitley needs some love.
  8. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 5th Generatoin Clarification

    I like your Shellder thesis, but the Cubone/Kangaskhan one is just ridiculous.
  9. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 New Evolutions or Babies For Former Pokemon

    I agree with everything you have said and you have great ideas. I love seeing new evos for old Pokemon. I'd like an evoloution for Mightyena, Sableye, Mawile and Luvdisc. They all badly need evos.
  10. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 The grass type dude.

    I don't think he looks smug, just... self-aware...
  11. Tangrowth

    Why Did You Join PokéBeach?

    RE: Why'd you join PokeBeach? It has to be one of the best forum sites for Pokemon!
  12. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 black or white?

    I think I'll wait and see which new pokemon are version exclusives before I make a final decision, but right now I'm leaning towards Black.
  13. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 Black Vs White : Technology Vs Legendary

    I love that idea! And it'd be a good way to introduce a steel eveeloution, like they made a robotic version of eevee or something.
  14. Tangrowth

    (1) Zekrom Part Electric-Type? [5/31]

    Maybe Reshiram is Dragon/Ice? That was my initial impression. And Zekrom is Dragon/Electric.
  15. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 Light-Type, Why or Why Not?

    It would be unnecessary and confusing as Fighting is traditionally seen as the light opposite Dark. Besides, wouldn't it be cool if Reshiram was Dragon/Fight instead of Dragon/Light?
  16. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 What you want in generation 5

    Pokemon cries actually sound like the pokemon New Battle Frontier and Frontier Brains Better Gym puzzles Longer storyline Everything else is pretty much a given.
  17. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 Eeveelutions

    Bug and Dragon would definitely be the coolest.
  18. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 What do think the evos will be?

    Grass: A big bad ass Grass/Dragon! The first Uber starter! Multiple heads, hopefully. Fire: It's been said, a raging boar. Water: Either a massive Yeti or a little gay water version of Lopunny... which could be cool...
  19. Tangrowth

    BW/BW2 New Evolutions for Generation 5

    I NEED the following: Mawile evo Corsola evo Sunflora evo Xatu evo New Rotom forms (Maybe like a car to fit in with the new region, that you could drive instead of Fly) A way to obtain event Pokemon in-game Jynx evo