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    XY Ideas for Future Pokémon Generations

    There's barely any surprise as it is.
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    Pokemon Design vs. Stats

    Actually, the Ability Levitate IS like flying: that's what separates a pokemon that hovers a couple feet above ground from a pokemon that can zoom through the air without wind or wings. Also, just because the model and artwork shows Absol's wings splayed out, doesn't mean they're stuck like...
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    Pokemon College Humor's Updated Pokérap

    Well, I'd assume the anime is usually a good guide for pronunciation, but I think about a fair number, about a quarter, maybe, left me wondering if the rapper was just blindly guessing. I'm not going through it again, just to list 'em all, but Shuppet stuck out to me and should have rhymed with...
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets I'm in the camp that believes Hoopa will be associated with the Chamber of Emptiness. And I actually have a supporting theory. If anyone cares to know, there's a very important concept in Buddhism called Emptiness, which is symbolized by a circle, usually...
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    Pokemon College Humor's Updated Pokérap

    This was fun and amusing. Just to be nitpicky, though, I'd have been more impressed if they were all pronounced correctly.
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    XY Pokémon Playthrough Questions & Answers

    RE: Pokémon X / Y : Playthrough Questions & Answers level 35 Poliwhirl hooked with an Old Rod on Route 14. What the hey? I thought an Old Rod only hooked level 15 Poliwag here, did my game glitch?
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    XY X / Y Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets

    RE: Unsolved Mysteries & Secrets Tipping increases your style points. After turning the power back on in Lumiose and watching Prism Tower relight, I tried entering the Boutique there, and couldn't get in. Then I took a photo in front of Prism Tower, and tipped Phil the Photo Guy 1,000...
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    Pokemon Your Career Path in the Pokémon Universe?

    RE: What career path would you choose in the Pokémon Universe? I might aspire to be a Gym Leader, either as Dark or Ghost, as my partners would primarily comprise those two types. That said, I would also be running [one of] the best haunted house/theme park ever made. Fears and phobias are a...
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    Pokemon How do you feel about the new type chart? Would you change anything?

    But I could consider the other way, with dilution of toxins.
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    Pokemon If you were one of the 18 Pokémon types, what type would you be?

    Or Natu, Ralts, Claydol, or Elgyem. Also Deoxys.
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    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Pokémon X / Y General Discussion - Don't Post Topics That Have Their Own Thread! Unless they used the Wonder Guard -> Skill Swap gambit. Before Gen 6, it was a risky and costly, but effective way to stall in Multi Battles.
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    Pokemon If you were a Pokémon what would you be and why?

    RE: If you were a pokemon what would you be. Why? I think I would probably be a Zoroark. All the Pokedex entries fit very well.
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    Pokemon Type Combination Ideas and Designs

    RE: Type combinations you want to see and designs that they could be I would also like to see a Water/Fire type. I always thought that it would be cool to see an aquatic ecosystem inside a volcanic environment, using magma. We already have sand-based "sea life," (sand alligators, sand hippos...
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    Pokemon Sugimori Hints Gen. VII Will Be Much More Simple

    RE: Sugimori hints Gen 7 will be much more simple Sounds like Japanese culture isn't for you. Find a new game or get over it. These are what those candle, ice cream and key chain pokemon are based off of.
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    XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

    The Gastly line is Poison type because they're made out of toxic gas, and tend to suffocate or put people to sleep with their own matter (source: PokeDex entries) It's not out of the blue, and it's actually as much a concept thing as it was first gen balance. I think I would have liked to see...
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    XY Possible Leaked Pokémon: Diancie, Volcanion, Hoopa, and more!

    RE: Possible New Pokémon: Diancie, Volcanion, and Hoopa I saw an article wherein Masuda stated that they would not patch typing changes, not that they would not add patches at all.
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    XY Mega Pokémon: Which Pokémon Would You Like To See With A Mega Evolution?

    Meanwhile, I'm hoping for the opposite. I want it to go back to its anglerfish roots and be the deep sea pokemon I always knew it was meant to be - not a porpoise fish with lights. I know it's late, but I can always hope for a later introduction or Event reveal.
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    XY Pokemon X / Y: Playthroughs Thread

    Everyone's so far ahead of me :P Besides having school and work as huge priorities for me, I'm taking my time going through, raising a lot of Pokemon and planning out some breeding. Right now I have: Quilladin "Jaeger" lvl 25 Lucario "Anubis" lvl 10 Honedge "Rondache" lvl 23 Fletchinder...
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    Pokemon Pokémon That Look Better Than Their Evolved Forms

    RE: Pokemon That Look Better Than Their Evolved Forms Rhyhorn over Rhydon. Rhyhorn looks like a rock formation rhino, Rhydon looks like a rhino with a drill for a horn. Until Mega Gengar appeared, Haunter over Gengar. I kind of wish Haunter and Gengar were like Scyther and SScizor. and that...
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    Pokemon How do you feel about the new type chart? Would you change anything?

    I'd like to give Ice a mutual super effectiveness between itself and Rock, and a mutual resistance between itself and Water. Ice effect erosion much more than water, through glacial drift, through expansion of freezing water, etc. Ice actually is water, and if Water type gets a resistance to...