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  1. The Darkest Faerie

    (2) Famitsu Pokemon Platinum Scans, Gamestop Deoxys Moveset and Held Item [6/11]

    Is the torn wold, the alternate dimension Giratina rules?
  2. The Darkest Faerie

    whos that pokemon's eye?

    May I start playing? If so I would guess unknown.
  3. The Darkest Faerie

    (2) Famitsu Pokemon Platinum Scans, Gamestop Deoxys Moveset and Held Item [6/11]

    I didn't think about that. If they did make new formes just for Gold/Silver, they may have to do the same for Kanto. That's if they keep the ability to travel to Kanto after conquering Jhoto. I wonder how that would work. Of course they could cut out the Kanto thing and add a new area.
  4. The Darkest Faerie

    (2) Famitsu Pokemon Platinum Scans, Gamestop Deoxys Moveset and Held Item [6/11]

    Cool, I hope they come out as promos for the movie. I wonder if any of them will have more than two formes, like Deoxys.
  5. The Darkest Faerie

    HAVE: XY / Legends / EX --- WANT: Arcues, HGSS, UL set / japanese NEO cards

    RE: Have GARCHOMP LV X/ Porygon-Z LV X... CML Major Wants updated CML for x1 Garchomp LV X (MD) and/or x1 Porygon-Z LV X (MD)
  6. The Darkest Faerie

    (2) Famitsu Pokemon Platinum Scans, Gamestop Deoxys Moveset and Held Item [6/11]

    Yea, I'm sorry. I meant to put that I hope they make cards for there new formes. ~Sorry, Mercy
  7. The Darkest Faerie

    (2) Famitsu Pokemon Platinum Scans, Gamestop Deoxys Moveset and Held Item [6/11]

    Wow, Shaymin may be the first of it's kind. It would be the first "cute" legendary in game! If it is part flying, that will be cool. I wonder how much stronger (if at all) it will be. I hope they make cards of Shaymin, Giratina, and Regigigas soon. Hum, I wonder what the shinies for...
  8. The Darkest Faerie

    (2) Famitsu Pokemon Platinum Scans, Gamestop Deoxys Moveset and Held Item [6/11]

    Wow, I excepted Shaymin to change formes like Deoxys in diamond and Pearl. I have a Shaymin from the Japanese glitch. When I get Platinum, I'm going to trade over my Shaymin. I wonder if Shaymin will be available in the game. Wouldn't it be weird if Shaymin's sky forme was part flying type...
  9. The Darkest Faerie

    Wi-Fi Trades Merciful's Player Thread!

    Not that are for trade. Sorry. I use them on my team.
  10. The Darkest Faerie

    Wi-Fi Trades Merciful's Player Thread!

    Welcome to Mercy's player thread! MY INFORMATION: My Friend Code: 3952 3662 9024 RULES: 1. Please no hacked Pokemon. 2. I don't hack. 3. I do clone. I accept cloned Pokemon. 4. I don't consider the Darkrai/Shaymin glitch a cheat. MY HAVES/WANTS POKEMON FOR...
  11. The Darkest Faerie

    (2) Famitsu Pokemon Platinum Scans, Gamestop Deoxys Moveset and Held Item [6/11]

    RE: (1) Gamestop Deoxys Moveset and Held Item [6/11] The Gamestop Deoxys saves the whole switching forms thing, to get those moves. I think it will be cool. I'm glad it's Gamestop this time, not Toys Я Us. We have a Gamestop about 10 minutes away, but the closest Toys Я Us is 2 hours away. I...
  12. The Darkest Faerie


    You have to find the URL or web address. Charizard is not a URL. An example of a URL is . So if that was the URL for a picture you would put: (Without the spaces.) I hope that helped.
  13. The Darkest Faerie

    Ash's Pikachu

    I like Pikachu. He was better in the first season, but overall, I like him. It is annoying, however, that his level seems to lower at the begging of each season, and then get higher later in the season. I also don't like how he uses so few of his old attacks and works more on his newer attacks...
  14. The Darkest Faerie

    Little kids that don't know how to play....

    RE: Little kids that don't know how to play.... My 7-year old cousin has done stuff like that a lot. He's just learning to play, but my brother and I are teaching him. (We're also teaching my aunt and she accidentally tried to play a stage 1 straight to the bench, but that is a different story.)
  15. The Darkest Faerie


    I play Runescape. My username is H D V B. Spaces matter, I don't know about CAPS. I'm a Level 69 member.
  16. The Darkest Faerie

    (3) New POP 6 Holos, Burger King TCG Promotion, CoroCoro Reveales Platinum Info; Shaymin Sky Forme

    RE: (2) Burger King TCG Promotion, CoroCoro Reveales Platinum Info; Shaymin Sky Forme I never got any of the old Pokemon stuff from the Mewtwo movie. :( I can't stand Burger King, along with the rest of my family, but my mom said she would take us there once the Pokemon stuff comes out. I hope...
  17. The Darkest Faerie

    (3) Redshark Update, Darkrai Wallpaper, Death

    WPM, I'm very sorry to hear about your grandma. :( My Grandma is very close to me. If she died that would crush me. I can't even imagine how bad it would be. I hope you hang in there. PS. Togeshroob is right, though. She is not gone forever. You will see her again. ~Mercy
  18. The Darkest Faerie


    RE: Dark Bliss A++++++++ I was supposed to send first, but the day I sent. I received! Incredibly fast!! AMAZING TRADER! Great Deals! Cards Protected Well! +1 REF! :D
  19. The Darkest Faerie


    Mercy (United States)
  20. The Darkest Faerie

    My trading Thread!

    My Trading thread (cards) won't let me edit the title, and when I click on it, it says, that this thread does not exist. The last post is me, but when it says, "Last Post: The Darkest Faerie," my user-name is black, not blue.(It isn't linked to my profile.) Can someone help?