Search results

  1. The Darkest Faerie

    Want Flygon Lv x, Flygon family From RR or The japanese set, and Lots more Have A lot of lv X cards

    RE: The Eastbay Trade Center for TCG I need Palkia Lv.X (Promo). I have Kingdra Ex DF. LMK.
  2. The Darkest Faerie

    Shiny Palkia LV.X?!

    I just got a promo Palkia Lv.X today, and it is shiny! I first noticed when I compared it to Palkia GE, and then I went online and found that It is shiny!
  3. The Darkest Faerie

    D/P: Secret Wonders Prerelease

    Sorry but most of us Pretty Much knew this when the date was released. But we need to know the locations Well, I didn't know the dates, thanks!:)
  4. The Darkest Faerie

    EDITED: Friday, 9/27, Empoleon Strategist Card Review, Holo POP 5 Pikachu and Mew

    Wow,this article helped me alot.(I'm working on an Empoleon deck.) Thanks strategists!:)
  5. The Darkest Faerie

    Give the Person Above You a Name

    I know.I was just being creative! Dawn and Manaphy
  6. The Darkest Faerie

    Give the Person Above You a Name

    May and Darkrai.(It rymes.:F)
  7. The Darkest Faerie

    Finished Rank The User Above You

    8/10-Well know I'm evil!*Insert Evil Laugh Here*
  8. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokémon Spoon: The most epic game to ever walk the surface of the planet.

    Once,again creative and brilliant...Creilliant.My word still needs work.I'll find a word!:F Edit:You're Mewcrilliant!
  9. The Darkest Faerie

    Finished Rank The User Above You

    8/10-I got bored of my old one.
  10. The Darkest Faerie

    Finished Rate the sig & avatar above you.

    A:8/10-I don't know I guess I wass bored and wanted change. S:8/10
  11. The Darkest Faerie

    Finished Rank The User Above You

    9.567825362764444444884885654854858454457/10(No comment)
  12. The Darkest Faerie

    Give the Person Above You a Name

    May and Manaphy!
  13. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokémon Spoon: The most epic game to ever walk the surface of the planet.

    Pokemon Spoon...Cute-mew,brilliant and creative as allways.:F Edit:c-m,brilliant and creative...Brillnative...hmm.It needs work,but I'll come up with a word for you eventually.
  14. The Darkest Faerie

    Give the Person Above You a Name

    1994 Legion Bonsly Starrry Guy!
  15. The Darkest Faerie

    Finished Rate the sig & avatar above you.

    Avatar 8/10 Sig 10/10 :)
  16. The Darkest Faerie

    Internal Server Errors, Downtime, Slowness, Other Errors

    It happens to me about 6-8 times a day.
  17. The Darkest Faerie


    Good Trader!+1!
  18. The Darkest Faerie


    I recieved my card! Great trader! +1 ref! A+++++++++