Search results

  1. The Darkest Faerie

    H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

    RE: MT Boosters for Sale! Have: 2x Lucario Lv. X and Magmortar Lv.X + LOTS More! Updated Wants! I only have $3.25.:(
  2. The Darkest Faerie

    H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

    RE: MT Boosters for Sale! Have: 2x Lucario Lv. X and Magmortar Lv.X + LOTS More! Updated Wants! Oh...I guess,I'll do delcatty ex.
  3. The Darkest Faerie

    H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

    RE: MT Boosters for Sale! Have: 2x Lucario Lv. X and Magmortar Lv.X + LOTS More! Updated Wants! Sorry, pobably not.
  4. The Darkest Faerie

    H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

    RE: MT Boosters for Sale! Have: 2x Lucario Lv. X and Magmortar Lv.X + LOTS More! Updated Wants! I want HP 2x Armaldo d,1x Cradily HP.
  5. The Darkest Faerie

    H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

    RE: MT Boosters for Sale! Have: 2x Lucario Lv. X and Magmortar Lv.X + LOTS More! Updated Wants! Would you trade a lv.X for Kingdra EX delta?
  6. The Darkest Faerie

    Stop 'n' Shop:The new sprite:naruto pokes!

    RE: Stop 'n' Shop Could I have a banner with a firey background,a Magmortar,a Magmar,and a Magby? Could it say "Magma!"?
  7. The Darkest Faerie

    Stop 'n' Shop:The new sprite:naruto pokes!

    RE: Stop 'n' Shop Thanks!
  8. The Darkest Faerie

    Wi-Fi Trades DROPB my player thread. Updated after every trade!

    RE: DROPB my player thread PM me when we can trade!:)
  9. The Darkest Faerie

    Stop 'n' Shop:The new sprite:naruto pokes!

    RE: Stop 'n' Shop Thanks!
  10. The Darkest Faerie

    Wi-Fi Trades DROPB my player thread. Updated after every trade!

    RE: DROPB my player thread Surfing Pikachu for Shiny Metagross? FC:1375 4584 5548
  11. The Darkest Faerie

    Stop 'n' Shop:The new sprite:naruto pokes!

    RE: Stop 'n' Shop I don't mean to rush you,but I need those trophies.:)
  12. The Darkest Faerie

    Stop 'n' Shop:The new sprite:naruto pokes!

    RE: Stop 'n' Shop Ok,thanks!
  13. The Darkest Faerie

    Stop 'n' Shop:The new sprite:naruto pokes!

    RE: Stop 'n' Shop I would like a Pachirisu gold 1st place trophy,a pikachu silver second place, and a Pichu bronze third.Please!:)
  14. The Darkest Faerie

    Wi-Fi Trades TDF's PLAYER THREAD!

    RE: H.D.V.B'S PLAYER THREAD! LM:cool. Ho-oh_Master:I would like shiny bellosom!:) I will tell you when I get the pokemon,today!:) Edit:I'm,sorry I haven't been on for a while.:( I'll trade tommarow!:)
  15. The Darkest Faerie

    Wi-Fi Trades TDF's PLAYER THREAD!

    RE: H.D.V.B'S PLAYER THREAD! I would like either shiny crobat or shiny slowking!
  16. The Darkest Faerie

    Wi-Fi Trades TDF's PLAYER THREAD!

    RE: H.D.V.B'S PLAYER THREAD (Offering shiny rayquaza,shiny groudon,and shiny metogross) My player thread is back!I don't have very great pokemon now, but I will soon!:)
  17. The Darkest Faerie

    Michael Vick: Should he be arrested?

    I think he should be arrested for life,with no parole!
  18. The Darkest Faerie

    Official Birthday thread.

    RE: Official Birth day thread. Happy B-day!
  19. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon last of the porygons! Or is it ?

    I hope there are more porygon evolutions.I would like it if Togeshroobs idea came true.That would be very cool.:)
  20. The Darkest Faerie

    Internal Server Error.

    Me too.It is realy annoying.