Search results

  1. The Darkest Faerie

    The Pokemon Attack Weakness Game

    Blastoise, use Hydro Cannon to PWN Noob Climb!
  2. The Darkest Faerie

    The Pokemon Attack Weakness Game

    Infenape, use Flare Blitz to PWN Noob Beam!:P
  3. The Darkest Faerie

    The Nominate a non-n00b game.

  4. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon favorite pokemon movie

    I like Pokemon 2000 and Jirachi Wishmaker.
  5. The Darkest Faerie

    Happy B'day to me!

    Happy late-B-day LV!:)
  6. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon hated pokemon

    I hate dunsparce.It's weak, weird looking, and desperatly needs an evolution.
  7. The Darkest Faerie


    I play,but I haven't been on in a while.I also have alot of NP:)
  8. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon Who is your favorite baby pokemon?

    Mime Jr. is my favorite baby Pokemon.(Although I don't like Mr. Mime.)
  9. The Darkest Faerie

    Ash's Pokemon

    He did set Lapras free.(back to it's family) I wish Charizard would come stay with Ash perminantly.
  10. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon Swellow vs Staraptor.

    I think Staraptor would win because it has a higher atack.:)
  11. The Darkest Faerie

    May vs. Dawn

    I prefer May to Dawn.
  12. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon EX Legacy (My fake set)

    RE: Fake Set Wow,I like it.:)
  13. The Darkest Faerie

    Capture the Flag!

    I will update this thread with the Capture the flag rules.
  14. The Darkest Faerie

    Capture the Flag!

    Cool,I love it.Togeshroob, it is fine I like capture the flag in the Shinou underground aswell.:)
  15. The Darkest Faerie

    SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

    RE: The official Super Smash Brawl thread/characters. That would be cool!
  16. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon Favorite Cave/Dungeon

    Same as Dalgia.
  17. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon Stuff we didn't really notice 'bout Poke'mon

    It turns into that red light or something.There was an episode about that.
  18. The Darkest Faerie

