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  1. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon Real Pokemon, A Real Waste?

    Yep,to bad oh well. Celebi=we could time travel Ghost Pokemon=spies Espeon=predict the whether Lotad=water colector Fire pokemon=lights for caves Mareep=make energy/give us wool for clothing Porygon,porygon2,and porygon-z=Can go into your computer and fix it if it's broken...
  2. The Darkest Faerie

    Favorite Episode

    My favorite episode was,I think called "Sweet Baby James."I like it because James gets my favorite pokemon,Mime Jr.
  3. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon Real Pokemon, A Real Waste?

    Togepi,togetic,togekiss=Get rid of deppresion.:) Mr. Mime and Mime Jr.=Help street performers make money.$ Machamp+steelix=build houses with basements. Skitty=playmate for young kids. Alakazam=teacher.(Smarter than a super computer) Xatu=better fortune tellers Delibird=Delivery services...
  4. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon pokemon that should have never been invented

    All pokemon should have been invented,if all pokemon were powerhouses it would be all weird.The weaklings add ballance to the pokemon world.:)
  5. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon what's next?

    I think they should make more and different space pokemon from Deoxys.
  6. The Darkest Faerie

    SSB Brawl Discussion Thread

    RE: The official Super Smash Brawl thread/characters. I doubt it.
  7. The Darkest Faerie

    Will Ash see the people that he has seen in the past?

    I hope he does see some of those people,but I doubt he will see any of the non-main characters.
  8. The Darkest Faerie

    Pikachu's level

    PMJ,that's a very good point I never though of that.:)
  9. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon Pokemon That Needed Evolutions...But Never Got Them

    I know, but I realy would like that eveloution.:)
  10. The Darkest Faerie

    Capture the Flag!

    Uh,Togeshroob I love capture the flag in the underground also,but this thread is for capture the flag in real life.(It's an easy mistake though,so it's fine.:))
  11. The Darkest Faerie

    Pikachu's level

    In the episode where Ash's Charizard is against Harrison's Blazeken, someone says that they are both high leveled pokemon.On the episod The school of hard knocks,the girl says something about level.
  12. The Darkest Faerie

    Capture the Flag!

    Does no one play capture the flag?If you don't know how to play, post your questions here. It's realy fun,even if you live in a big city you can play in your yard,a park,a boardwalk,ect.
  13. The Darkest Faerie

    Injury Thread

    I've had my appendix taken out.One time I slid my big toe on the floor,and it started to blead really bad.When it started to get better I was playing barefoot on a sidwalk and I did it again.This time it was on concrete though.:(I had 2 surgeries counting the appendix thing.My brother knocked me...
  14. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon Pokemon That Needed Evolutions...But Never Got Them

    Plusle(multiplying pokemon) Minun(Dividing pokemon) Venomoth Sandslash Dugtrio Weezing Muk Maybe Hypno.
  15. The Darkest Faerie

    Pokemon Official Coolest & Favorite Pokemon Thread

    Mime Jr.,because it is cute and mimics people.:)I don't like Mr. Mime though.:)
  16. The Darkest Faerie

    Writing Arceus Vs. Darkrai (my first fan fic) Chapter TWO is done

    RE: Arceus Vs. Darkrai (my first fan fic) Chapter one is done Cool! I love chapter 1!