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  1. skabobbin

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    This render looks really nice, have we seen this artist before? I think getting away from 5ban Graphics is definitely a step in the right directtion aesthetics wise.
  2. skabobbin

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    I agree, I wish there was something they could do about the absurd amount of text that's now required for every GX, and seemingly more so for the tag team cards.
  3. skabobbin

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    Is it the artwork that you are saying is too busy, or mostly just how much text covers the picture? I feel like the artwork itself is lovely, but I'd agree there is a lot going on if you're referring to how much is hidden behind the attack text and such.
  4. skabobbin

    News 'Lost Thunder,' America's November Set!

    I scrolled very slowly hoping to see full art Aether Foundation Employees :(
  5. skabobbin

    SM7 'Celestial Storm' Revealed!

    Wasn't this the set Full Art Zinnia was going to be in?
  6. skabobbin

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Does anyone know if there will be a holo to the prism star cards?
  7. skabobbin

    News Massive 'Premium Trainer's XY Collection' Releasing in November!

    I don't understand why anyone is upset with this box. I would have thought that even someone who is interested in only the playability of the cards would still be interested in this one just because of the incredible art. And for the price, even if the box came with nothing at all but the...