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  1. Flarerose0o0

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game Xatu, not like i have a choice.... i just did this a little while ago. *yawn*
  2. Flarerose0o0

    Finished Add-on Sentence Game !

    during the second day of...
  3. Flarerose0o0

    Finished Add-on Sentence Game !

    cow hammer into the fourth lake to the left of the...
  4. Flarerose0o0

    Finished Add-on Sentence Game !

    The third king of the forsaken...
  5. Flarerose0o0

    Finished Add-on Sentence Game !

    The noth side of Transylvania before it...
  6. Flarerose0o0

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game torterra!
  7. Flarerose0o0

    Finished Add-on Sentence Game !

    Into the soul of...
  8. Flarerose0o0

    Finished Add-on Sentence Game !

    or rather the cube root of pi under the wooden...
  9. Flarerose0o0

    Finished Add-on Sentence Game !

    is reborn last Tuesday....
  10. Flarerose0o0

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game unown
  11. Flarerose0o0

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game Umbreon!
  12. Flarerose0o0

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game onix (the thing said i had to make my post longer so that is the only reason for this statement) (only one thing starts with X)
  13. Flarerose0o0

    Finished Add-on Sentence Game !

    the end of the dark abyss untill a living carpet came and said
  14. Flarerose0o0

    help me organize

    Wow, okay I usually first organize the sets by rarity. Commons and uncommons, rare, rare holo, etc. Then by type/ card color (trainers, energy, water/blue, fire/red, and so on). 50 HP and HP 50 are the same i would think. Rares usually go in binders and commons could be put in boxes, tins, etc.
  15. Flarerose0o0

    Finished The Chain Game (You-person-person-you)

    RE: The Chain Game turtwig!
  16. Flarerose0o0

    Darkrai or Cresselia?

    I like Cresselia better but i think that Darkrai is better. Cresselia could be devistating, but most good strategies having to do with it take far too long to set up. In my opinion, if I was'nt cheap, I'd run them in the the same deck becuse if your opponent kills Darkrai or whatever Darkrai...
  17. Flarerose0o0

    Opinions of GE

    That's just weird. I got alot of trainers at the prerelease and i pulled 2 rare candies out of 10 packs. One of my friends pulled 6 candies out of 5 packs (yea, he's lucky). By the way, I'm reinforcing the Gallade thing. Realy, too many people are running Gallade so Blissey is'nt as good as...
  18. Flarerose0o0

    Pokemon Pokemon CCG For DS?

    Hello, it could also be for DS and on Wifi. It would be amazing if they actually made it, sort of like a non-anoying version of the Yu-Gi-Oh! games that actually takes strategy and in which you can't loose your entire setup after your opponent playes one card ("I summon a god card! Oh no...
  19. Flarerose0o0

    Heya guys.. need some "pro" help

    I'd suggest buying him alot of packs... The fact that i hardly had any card is why i was no good at yu-gi-oh! back when i played it. Having more unique cards gives you an opertunity to test out what kinds of decks you like to play.... Of course, to suggest some decks to make: theres GG...
  20. Flarerose0o0

    Rise Of Darkrai in theatres?!

    It was in theaters because I remember the trailer... The only movie i saw in theaters was Pokemon 2000 but I always heard of when the other ones were released. I distintly remember seeing adds for 4 and heros at different times in the newspaper and they said "coming to theaters (and some certain...