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  1. Orias

    'Remix Bout,' Japan's July Set!

    Everyone is talking about charizard but I'm just in love with the armored mewtwo card,this is what i always wanted and its finally happening. I love new armor design
  2. Orias

    'Pokemon Rumble Rush' Coming to Android and iOS!

    I see gems that you can probably buy with real money. Another pay to wing game...yay
  3. Orias

    Armored Mewtwo Revealed in 'CoroCoro!' Ancient Mew Promo Re-Release!

    No,Ancient Mew is unique and it should stay that way
  4. Orias

    Armored Mewtwo Revealed in 'CoroCoro!' Ancient Mew Promo Re-Release!

    Best news ever! Armored mewtwo is one of my favorite things in first movie and new armor looks badass! I'm so happy that they are re-releasing ancient mew,i wish they would've done something different with the card but it doesn't matter,it's still amazing that they are releasing it again.
  5. Orias

    Pokemon Center Playmats Featuring Charizard, Pikachu, Eeveelutions, Kanto!

    Yay more eeveelutions and we don't have enough already
  6. Orias

    Ultra PRO Pikachu and Eevee Products in June!

    I'm getting really sick of eevee and pikachu
  7. Orias

    'Blastoise-GX Premium Collection' in July!

    I don't like full art promos. XY and SM made full arts less special with that. I remember in BW when pulling a FA meant something
  8. Orias

    'Mewtwo-GX Detective Pikachu Case File' Revealed!

    This was one of my most anticipated cards ever but i gotta say I'm kinda disappointed,i still looks awesome tho. At least the regular mewtwo from this set looks absolutely amazing,so much better than the gx. I'm probably more excited about the regular one
  9. Orias

    Second 'Detective Pikachu' Trailer Reveals Mewtwo!

    My heart almost stopped when they finally revealed mewtwo
  10. Orias

    'Kangaskan-GX Box' in June!

    Wow,who would've guessed
  11. Orias

    Full Metal Wall in February

    Very nice artwork!
  12. Orias

    'Unbroken Bonds,' May's English SM10 Set!

    We already have wild blaze
  13. Orias

    'Detective Pikachu' TCG Products Announced for Spring!

    I can't wait for the mewtwo & mew gx tag team,I'm so hyped!
  14. Orias

    New 'Pokemon TCG: Poke Ball Tins' in November!

    I want premier ball so bad
  15. Orias

    Still waiting for a shiny gastly card.

    Still waiting for a shiny gastly card.
  16. Orias

    SM9 'Tag Volt,' Japan's December Set!

    So we are getting 1 regular art and 3 different full arts (regular,alternate and rainbow). I can't complain.
  17. Orias

    February's English Set: 'Team Up!'

    Finally some old school looking pack artworks,i love it! But the set name is one of the worst.