Search results

  1. El Radar


    RE: RADARS UBER TRADE THREAD !!UPDATED!!!!W: Reverse DCE H: What you're looking for! Well, it isn't worth all that lol I could do like Uxie LA and RH DCE for Gallade 4 X and regular DCE?
  2. El Radar


    RE: RADARS UBER TRADE THREAD !!UPDATED!!!!W: Reverse DCE H: What you're looking for! Haha I just posted on your thread. I am interested in RH DCE, RH Pokemon Collector, Uxie LA (LP). I can replace the DCE with a regular one from HGSS.
  3. El Radar

    Trades [USA] H: Lots of Standard/Staples /Breaks W: RH Staples, Supreme Victors VS Seekers, Energy

    RE: <!TWT!> [H] TM Primes and Legends [W] Bling/Merch <AdrianSkyline> Can you CML for Uxie LA LP DCE RH Pokemon Collector RH I can replace the DCE with a regular one. I was going to offer the Dialga PL 5, but it seems you have taken care of getting those lol
  4. El Radar

    tjtoot(new haves, new wants, new dotws, new format!)

    RE: tjtoots card trade thread( w: uxie lvl x and md mewtwo)big update! Would you do all that for 2 Rare candy, 1 RH?
  5. El Radar

    H: Primes/Ex's/Lv X's/Shinings/More! W: Ex/Lv X/ Stars/CYL

    RE: ~~Lunistrella's Trades -- Have: Lots! Want: Things for my collection!~~ Ah okay. It's all good. The Politoed EX has a small crease in the picture, and a couple small white marks in two of the corners. LMK if you are still interested.
  6. El Radar

    MGS-58's Trade Thread

    Pls CML for BTS. Thank you :)
  7. El Radar

    <!TWT!> [H] Legends, Primes, Staples, and more! <ScreamRawr>

    From your wants I have: Cyclone Energy (SF, RH or regular whichever you prefer) Darkrai/Cresselia Legend Full Dialga/Palkia Legend Bottom Slowking Prime Spiritomb LA (RH or regular) Azelf LA (League Promo) Cyrus Conspiracy x2 (Non RH) I like: Entei/Raikou Legend Full Ninetales HGSS Smeargle UD...
  8. El Radar

    H: Primes/Ex's/Lv X's/Shinings/More! W: Ex/Lv X/ Stars/CYL

    RE: ~~Lunistrella's Trades -- Have: Lots! Want: Things for my collection!~~ I have a NM Mesprit Lv X. Do you have any broken time-space or pokemon collector? If not, I am interested in Lugia Legend Bottom, RH Crobat G and Professor Oak's New Theory. LMK. thanks! :D
  9. El Radar

    Pokemon Tournaments

    From what I've heard the LCQ is a tough tourney. Top 8 at Nationals does get you in automatically, as previously mentioned.
  10. El Radar

    tjtoot(new haves, new wants, new dotws, new format!)

    RE: tjtoots card trade thread( w: uxie lvl x and md mewtwo)big update! Do you have any Pokemon Collector? I have 1 luxary ball 3 sp energy 2 pokemon rescues 2 pokedrawer plus
  11. El Radar

    Have Yanmega prime

    RE: awsome thread check out please From your wants I have: Dragonite FB Azelf LA (LP) Bronzong G Aaron’s Collection Power Spray x3 Cyrus Conspiracy x2 What set are the Ampharos and Steelix you are looking for from? Ampharos Prime Piplups I can throw in I want: Broken Time-Space Arceus Lv X...
  12. El Radar

    Back for real (maybe)

    Uxie Donk made a return to the meta during cities. Seeker/Junk Arm help the deck's donkability immensely.
  13. El Radar

    Ra2terra's Trade Corner, Have LOTS!!!!!

    RE: Ra2terra's Trade Mountain H: Many Staples W: Whatever is on My Wants What about 2x Cyrus Conspiracy for Seeker x1 Unown Q x1
  14. El Radar

    DSD's Trade Thread UPDATE!! Have EX's

    RE: Bigpokex's New Trade Thread: (H) Mew and Gengar Prime (W) Ex's and Shiny* pokemon!!! My: Politoed EX Your: RH Pokemon Collector Bottom Lugia Legend Lmk or counter. CML if any more is necessary.
  15. El Radar

    Ra2terra's Trade Corner, Have LOTS!!!!!

    RE: Ra2terra's Trade Mountain H: Many Staples W: Whatever is on My Wants My 2 Cyrus Conspiracy 1 Power Spray Your Bottom Half Lugia Legend.
  16. El Radar

    Ra2terra's Trade Corner, Have LOTS!!!!!

    RE: Ra2terra's Trade Mountain H: Many Staples W: Whatever is on My Wants Hello! I am interested in: Bottom of Lugia Legend 2 Uxie LP Unown Q Regice LA RH Seeker Machamp Prime I have (per your wants) 2 Cryus’ Conspiracy 3 Power Spray 1 SP Radar 4 Aaron’s Collection 4 Junk Arm 4 Black Belt 4...
  17. El Radar


    +1 great communication, cards sent in great condition. Awesome trader.
  18. El Radar

    ~~ Hypno68

    RE: Hypno68 +1 awesome trader, cards sent quickly and in great condition.
  19. El Radar


    +1 great trader, cards sent just as advertised.
  20. El Radar


    +1 great trader, prompt shipping cards well protected. Pleasure to do business with.