Search results

  1. El Radar

    Reverse Holo Crystal Pokemon?

    Ho-Lee Moses. =O This is insane!! Now I gotta find a copy of the Charizard one... I have the regular one.
  2. El Radar

    Reverse Holo Crystal Pokemon?

    Per TrollandToad, there is a reverse holo Crystal Charizard?! Does anyone have any pics of RH Crystal Pokemon, if they exist at all? And adding on to that last question, do they exist, or did T&T commit an error in listing this? I haven't found a pic of one yet so I am a bit skeptical...
  3. El Radar

    WTB Regice LA

    Deal done. Mods close pls.
  4. El Radar

    WTB Regice LA

    Na, just taking one. Hmmm that sounds awfully tempting. 7 USD?
  5. El Radar


  6. El Radar

    Golem 4 in Lux... Er... LuxChomp...

    Golem 4 would serve best early game, before they set up a back up T-Tar (that way, they're only move is to Darkness Howl). I kinda like it over Donphan, since, even though it cannot tank, is easier to get out of the active spot and doesn't spread damage to the bench.
  7. El Radar

    WTB Regice LA

    Looking to pay between 4-5 bucks. Will use PayPal only.
  8. El Radar

    Vulpix Yolk

    +1 great trader, cards arrived in excellent condition and well protected.
  9. El Radar

    Golem 4 in Lux... Er... LuxChomp...

    The surprise factor is nice, plus it can do a quick 100 to the active (or 200, as you have mentioned). This also serves as an awesome Umbreon counter, since you can one shot them out of nowhere. As for taking up too much room, most LuxChomp builds already tech in the 1 psychic energy needed...
  10. El Radar


    ^Yeah, pretty much. We don't know for sure what's going to be in B/W, and it is possible that we don't get some of the cards we are really looking forward to until next format (like Pokemon Catcher). If there is anything we have learned from tpci after the past 2 sets, it's expect the worst. (No...
  11. El Radar

    Lil Wayne

    RE: Techdeck101 +1 great trader, cards arrived quickly and kept me updated on trade.
  12. El Radar


    ^There's something I hadn't thought of. However, it IS possible that they hold back the cards which received a rule/text change and release them in the next set (which, oh how appropriate, is released in August just in time for rotation).
  13. El Radar

    funny league/tournament stories.

    Playing down LW, standing up, 1 foot on a chair and in a victorious pose declaring: "I Win."
  14. El Radar

    You know you are a pro...

    RE: You know you are a pro when... You know you're pro when the judge says you made a pro move.
  15. El Radar


    ^Exactly. The rule change was announced in Japan, along with a new format (which was HGSS-on; hence why the rules went into effect immediately over there). Like I said, I highly doubt that they would implement these rules (which are clearly supposed to cut down on donks) during this season. It...
  16. El Radar


    +1 great trader, shipped out very quickly and cards well protected.
  17. El Radar


    +1 great trader, shipped very quickly! Great experience
  18. El Radar

    3DS Discussion Thread

    RE: 3DS Anyone? Thanks to my new job, I can get one!! Sadly, I'll have to wait at least a month just to save up enough money for it :/ oh well, hopefully they aren't sold out everywhere :P
  19. El Radar

    Zangoose's Trade Thread! Gladly trading Yanmegas!

    RE: Zangoose's Trades! Come here if you need non lv X cards! I have 4x Spiritomb AR. I am interested in Uxie LA (non league), Regice x2 and RH Blaziken FB. Lmk if we can work out a deal. Thanks!
  20. El Radar

    European Challange cup at an end...

    A. You don't even need a Crobat G; just load up the bad boy and OHKO it. B. Well, Mandibuzz won't come out until Maaaaybe the first BW set, and that isn't until after States and Regionals. From what I've heard (on PokeGym, mostly), LostGar had little to no impact (out of 180+ decks, only 5...