Search results

  1. El Radar

    Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

    RE: CoL Update! (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST! Are you interested in the Rare Candy mail promo? I can add one of those in instead of Umbreon Prime (which I think I traded or have promised to trade to someone else). Lmk because yes, I...
  2. El Radar

    My Trade Thread ( How much is the Blank Pokemon Card Worth?)

    Can you CML for the following?: Snorlax Lv X Leafeon Lv X RH Lost World Absol Prime Tyranitar Prime Magnezone Prime Kingdra Prime Machamp Prime Charizard G Lv X Lugia Legend Bottom Thanks!
  3. El Radar


    Ummm. Methinks the following: The reason they are changing the rules on playing trainers/supporters T1 is to cut down on donks. So why would these rule changes be implemented here MID-SEASON with a slew of donk decks that would benefit immensely from this change?? These rule changes, IF they...
  4. El Radar

    Flaming Trading Thread

    Can you CML for both of your Charizards and the Shiny Vulpix? Thanks! And Welcome.
  5. El Radar


    +1 Great buyer, cards paid for very quickly!
  6. El Radar


    RE: sillykyle! +1 kept up a great line of communication, payment was received securely and quickly, awesome buyer!
  7. El Radar


    +1 another great trade, very quick shipping and cards well protected
  8. El Radar

    Ronshads card world

    RE: Ronshads card world(added Gardevoir ex and more) I am interested in TM-S 2 (devoluter right ?) and Seeker. From your wants I have Magmortar, Dodrio RH SV, Exploud RH SV, Torterra SF, Mamoswine SF and Swampert SV. I can do 4-5 of these cards for the ones I like. LMK. Thanks!
  9. El Radar

    ~~ Javier8100

    RE: Javier8100 +1 quick payment, smooth negotiations, great buyer
  10. El Radar

    OMG I has cards for trade! Updated 3/11 H: Stuff W: Deck stuff

    RE: OMG I has cards for trade! Updated 2/14 H: LV. X's and EX's W: BW Cards and Legends I can definitely throw in something small. What do you have in mind? A holo rare from any HGSS-on set? (I have RH Rapidash TM, would that work?)
  11. El Radar

    Is there any good solo game to play for Pokemon TCG

    Pokemon TCG for the game boy. Aside from that... redshark is the only other thing I can think of.
  12. El Radar

    OMG I has cards for trade! Updated 3/11 H: Stuff W: Deck stuff

    RE: OMG I has cards for trade! Updated 2/14 H: LV. X's and EX's W: BW Cards and Legends Hello! I am interested in: Charmander RH VS Seeker RH Twins RH Smeargle CL Holo Water and Holo Lightning Energy Absol Prime Would you do all that for DPL full?
  13. El Radar


    RE: FDo9's Trades!! WANT CALL OF LEGENDS STUFF!!! I have : Electrode Prime x2 Absol G x1 Lost Remover x2 Rare Candy x1 (RH) Poke Turn x1 Gallade 4 x2 (RH) And random stuff from your Throw-in wants. I am highly interested in Charizard *. Could you CML to see if we can work out some sort of deal...
  14. El Radar


    +1 great trade once again, pleasure to do business with, awesome trader
  15. El Radar

    Trades [US Only] W: Bulk W: Metagame H: EX, FA Supporters, TSS, Packs, & Tons of ex/Lv X/Prime/Stars

    RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good! I am interested in 2 regular VS Seeker, and I can give up on the Uxie LA... for now lol Your: Luxury Ball x1 (regular is fine) Pokemon Collector x1 BTS Vs Seeker x2 for my: Gengar SF RH x1 Regice LA x1...
  16. El Radar

    Trades & Sales [USA] BREAK Through Update! (H) A LOT OF STUFF (W) FA and Shinies!

    RE: (H) LUXRAY GL LvX (2) (W) Rare Candy Player Reward promo! TRY TO A MAKE AN OFFER FIRST! Would you do My: Kingdra Prime x1 Delcatty PL x1 Your: Charizard (Expedition) #39 (the non-holo w/ Tail Smash). Lmk. Thanks!
  17. El Radar

    Trades [US Only] W: Bulk W: Metagame H: EX, FA Supporters, TSS, Packs, & Tons of ex/Lv X/Prime/Stars

    RE: Fungible Trading! H: Primes, Lv. X, all trainers (Lost World!). W: anything good! This is true, Uxie LA x2 goes for at the very least $15. Hmmm. What about removing Palmer's from my side?
  18. El Radar

    Interested in buying ex and * cards and other cards (updated wants)

    Still interested in Latios EX and Politoed Ex?
  19. El Radar

    Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread. Looking for bulk Trainers.

    RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread. Non-RH is fine with me. I can swing that deal.