Search results

  1. El Radar

    *~Chibi's Trading Thread~* [H;] BW-on [W;] Dragons

    RE: [ [ [ [ [ Chibi Trading Thread ] ] ] ] ] Can you CML for Spiritomb TM, Sableye SF and RH Black Belt? Thanks!
  2. El Radar

    (1) Lost World and Other Cards Confirmed in 'Call of Legends' [1/23]

    @Stanky If I had to guess, it might go for as high as ten bucks, based purely on hype. BTS at its peak right now goes for 10-15, and even key components of the galactic engine only went as high as 7-10 in their heyday IIRC.
  3. El Radar

    King Raptor's Trades

    I'll check back on the ERL. Lmk if there is anything else on my wants you like.
  4. El Radar

    please close

    RE: H: Triumphant Primes, Legends UXIE LV.X!! W: Collection Stuff My: Lucario PL prerelease Leafeon UD prelease Your: RH Junk arm x1
  5. El Radar

    Have Yanmega prime

    RE: awsome thread check out please I can do: 1 Bronzong G PL, 1 Azelf LA (LP), 1 Dialga G PL (LP), 1 Dialga G lv X For Pokemon Collector x3 (doesn't matter if its from the half deck) Lmk or counter. If you can't trade them all that is okay, but I am definitely interested in at least one. Thanks!
  6. El Radar

    [W]: CATCHERS [H]: Pachi, Shaymin, Primes, Staples

    RE: H: Gengar Prime, Smeargle UD, plus More I have: 1 Mesprit LA 1 Unown Q MD 1 Sableye SF 1 Seeker Can you CML for Gengar Prime? Would you do 1x Seeker, 1x Sableye and 1x Unown Q for Smeargle UD? Lmk. Thank you! :)
  7. El Radar

    King Raptor's Trades

    Can you CML for all your non Lv X Arceus pls
  8. El Radar


    RE: Hic's Trade Thread (Starting off, want to make small trades) Can you CML for Gengar Prime, Donphan Prime, Machamp Prime, Kingdra Prime, DCE, Gengar SF, Sableye SF, RH Mesprit LA? I realize I may not have enough for all of that, but anything LMK if there is anything you like and hopefully...
  9. El Radar


    +1 great trader, prompt shipping, awesome to deal with!
  10. El Radar

    Raw19's TT: H: Fun and Nifty Stuff. W: Pokemon Collector, Shaymin UL

    RE: Raw19's TT: Enter if you dare! (H: Charizard AR, Twins W: stuff) Can you CML for Machamp Prime? Thanks!
  11. El Radar

    [H] 50x Codes, Boxtoppers, Tornadus FA, Primes, Shiny NRG & TSS [W] LOTS

    RE: Hikiko's Back! [H:] BTS, PR Sleeves, Kingdra Primes, RDL Legends, Blaziken FB X! [W:] Gengar & Mew Primes Would you do Absol Prime for BTS? Lmk.
  12. El Radar

    H: LV X legend prime crystal toys more Need:PAGES col energy/shiny and more

    RE: PRIME plush undaunted toys dice bags anime more Need:PAGES and more Can you CML for Machamp Prime. Thanks :)
  13. El Radar

    Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread. Looking for bulk Trainers.

    RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread. I can do that. I also have a DCL bottom and am interested in the Smeargles.
  14. El Radar

    Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread. Looking for bulk Trainers.

    RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread. I am interested in 3 or 4 Collector and 1 BTS. I have Donphan Prime x2, plus DCL top and RH Rescue Energy that I can trade for it. CML for other stuff if necessary pls. Thanks! :)
  15. El Radar

    Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread. Looking for bulk Trainers.

    RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread. I have Donphan Prime, Pokedex handy x1, Azelf LA( LP) x1 and RH Rescue Energy Can you do that for 4x Pokemon collector? (I'll throw in some electrike and treecko from AR) Edit: I can also do DCL top for a BTS. Lmk pls :)
  16. El Radar

    Have Yanmega prime

    RE: awsome thread check out please Sorry I haven’t checked in :/ I got rid of most of my sp stuff but I do have 1 Bronzong G PL, 1 Azelf LA (LP), 1 Dialga G PL (LP), 1 Dialga G lv X and Ampharos Prime. Do you have any of my wants?
  17. El Radar


    RE: RADARS UBER TRADE THREAD !!UPDATED!! COME CHECK IT OUT!!! @Eriqdsmasher I don't have any for trade sorry :/
  18. El Radar


    RE: RADARS UBER TRADE THREAD !!UPDATED!! COME CHECK IT OUT!!! My ERL full for your Lugia Legend Bottom, Staraptor FB X, 1 holo energy and lightning arceus.
  19. El Radar


  20. El Radar


    +1 great trader, cards sent in great condition, pleasure to do business with again!